Guest Writers News

Creston News

The big fall Creston ATV poker run will be held Saturday, September 24 at the Creston Community Building.  Creston is halfway between Grantsville & Elizabeth on W. Va. Route 5.  Signups stop at noon.  Come early, have biscuits & gravy for breakfast and then, along with family and friends ride the route.  Because of an impassable section of road, the route had to be changed so most riders will go places they have never been before as well as some old favorites.  There will be plenty of water and mud to play in for those that like to do that and there will be historic sites, beautiful scenery, giant rocks and ideal spots to stop for a family picnic, etc.  One can bring the camera to watch & record the macho men being pulled out of mudholes that no normal person would try to transverse.  The route will also go through the paw paw patch so one can get some tasty morsels on the way.

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

Leonard Claire Bunner, age 80, passed away.  He was the father of Randy Bunner and the brother of Connie Grim.  Burial was at Walker.

The local area has had beautiful weather with a break in the rain.  There are lots of yellow flowers, golden rod & wing stem if there were any honey bees ,but, thanks to parasites that came from the orient the bees are few.  Lots of hay is being made.

Now is the time to cut down or pull up the invasive Japanese stilt grass before it seeds.  The plants, which is seems nothing will eat, put a poison in the ground that prevents native plants growing.  In many places, especially along roadways, the pest is the only plant growing otherwise known as a monoculture.

John & Deb Gregory were calling on Barb Wright.

There was a big crowd for the Stutler reunion Sunday at the Creston Community Building.

The Wirt County School Board gave another 20 year renewal to the lease for the Creston Community Building.  Attending a school board meeting is “different”.  There was a discussion about the “mission statement” and board members were reminded, “Oh you can’t say that because we might get sued.”  “We have to do this because of federal guidelines and we cannot change anything that is taught because the legislature says what is taught and then the state board sets it in stone”.  Some were of the belief that the state board answered to no one and that is why there needs to be competition in the education business so that mediocrity isn’t the guaranteed result every time.  Now we all know that “common core”, the baby of the Bush dynasty and Bill Gates, isn’t taught any more because the educrats gave the program a new name.

Maribeth Anderson, the PR lady for Antero is now the head honcho of the Gas & Oil Association of West Virginia the lobby firm for the big boys to be sure that the legislature doesn’t start responding to the needs of the state’s citizens.

The big money push for Amendment #2 continues which will take $billions of assessment off the tax books leaving home & farm owners to pick up the slack.  Now, even the governor has come out against the proposal being pushed by Senate president Baldy Blair who has a special feel for out of state corporations & their “needs”.

Dorothy Lynch & Anna Reno were both attending to business in Spencer as were Mr. & Mrs. Dean Miller.

Janet Kimes who runs the Woman’s Care Center on Dudley Avenue in Parkersburg was the speaker at the [Sen. Donna] Boley breakfast.  Her group helps women [and girls] who find themselves in bad situations and elsewhere in the nation the baby killers have terrorized them.  It is generally agreed that Janet Kimes and folks in her positions do much good work and have saved many babies from being murdered.  It was reported that the abortion parlour down at the Mouth of the Elk is now big into doing “gender altering” things to confused youth.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude dropped to $84.11/bbl. with condensate fetching $70.11/bb. while Marcellus & Utica light brought $75.11 & medium $84.11/bbl.  Henry Hub natural gas brought $7.76/mmbtu [dekatherm].