Guest Writers

Creston News

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. church.

The big Creston Halloween party is Saturday, October 29 at 5 P. M. at the Community Building.  Come if you dare!  It is also asked that folks bring “finger food” with them to share.  As noted before, the event is a place where one can dress up and “be somebody”.

The election is scheduled for November 8.  There are interesting races in both Calhoun & Wirt Counties.

Some Creston folks motored to St. Marys Saturday evening for the Republican dinner there.  Riley Moore, the State Treasurer, gave a report on the Hope Scholarship.  The teacher’s unions & the educrats had gone to court to try to stop “the competition” but the W, Va. Supreme court ruled in favor of the rights of students to get a good education.  Moore noted that AG Patrick Morrisy fought off the education deniers so now folks of ordinary or less that average means can place their children in schools where they will actually get an education.  The ruling impacts scholars from Creston.  State Sen. Patricia Rucker is to be commended  for getting legislation through the legislature that actually helps West Virginia citizens.  Baldy Blair the senate president removed her from being education committee chairwoman to punish her for making W. Va. a national leader in reforming education.  Moore also spoke about removing state funds from Blackrock, shady international group, that works to undo almost everything that makes W. Va. operate.  Other states have followed W. Va.’s lead & have divested from the $10 trillion behemoth that, along with some big  banks, promote the United Nations Net Zero Banking Association.  Letters were sent to six big banks that were doing the same thing and U. S. Bank, after getting the letter said that they would be glad to finance oil & gas operations as they wanted to do business with W. Va. & several other states — the others, not so much.  As they say, “Get woke and go broke”.

Baldy Blair talked about why Amendment #2 was the best thing since sliced bread and one might say that he was “carless with the truth”.  He said that when one went to the DMV one has to bring one’s paid tax receipt.  Well, years ago such was the case but now, at least at the Spencer DMV [the friendly one] and elsewhere one is told, the worker merely looks on the computer to see that taxes are paid.  He claimed that removing the tax would cause an increase in the state’s population but it is obvious that the firms who will get the big, big tax breaks are the folks who are producing Marcellus & Utica wells in the state and are shipping everything produced out of state.  A prime example is the largest in the world fractionation plant at Sherwood on US. 50.  All the products go via pipeline to Pennsylvania.  Making the $multibillion facility tax free will not provide growth in the area but it will mean that ordinary folks will have to make up the taxes.  Blair lamented once again about the problems with the State Constitution and how it had “prevented growth”.  What he likely was talking about was the 1932 Taxation Limitation Amendment that has now protected homes & farms for 90 years from the recklessness that the legislature might do to the citizens.  Because of the existing amendment taxes on homes are lower than they are in surrounding states and to Blair [and his buddies] that obviously is a problem even though he said “all this will not increase taxes on your house”.  As a result of what now is obviously deliberate inaction there are no ethane crackers in West Virginia and no fertilizer plants even with a world fertilizer shortage threatening food insecurity and famine.  It should be noted that natural gas from Creston is 18% ethane, the base material for most of the plastics used nowadays.  This makes sense since his “pal” at EQT has made it clear that his plan is to send gas from this area as an export LNG [liquified natural gas] to the world.  Thus all the pipelines, compressor stations [like the new one in Calhoun County] would be tax free and used to generate wealth in other nations.  At a recent meeting Toby Rice, the EQT CEO, said that the W. Va. Marcellus was the best but when asked when the company would start paying world class royalties he just laughed as he had a legislature make sure that such would never happen and that there would be no metering of what was taken.

Ronald Siegrist, age 69, of Grantsville passed away.  The family formerly lived at Creston for many years.  His parents were Paul & Jewell Cain Siegrist.

Jacques Frost made a professional call in Creston making things white and freezing tender plants.  Leaves continue to turn and folks who were elsewhere in the state got to see snow.

While there is national lip service to lowering gasolene prices [at least before the election] it is clear that high fuel prices are part of “the plan”.  Bill Gates even said that the current energy crisis in Europe is a “good thing”.  The feds are now using the SEC [Securities & Exchange Commission] to put the squeeze on oil, gas & coal companies requiring that they report mythical green house gas emissions that would be impossible to determine.  Along those lines the W. Va. State Tax Department has, once again, increased tax on coal reserves.  Some years back one fellow got notice that he owned $1 million in coal reserves where he actually owned no coal at all.  Some values this time went up over 10 fold.  Also, the state men said that coal on Stinson [that is up the West Fork] was really good.  Are their buddies going to open a big mine and provide house coal?

A consequential amount of hay was not cut this year.  Such certainly is not a good thing.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude dipped to $84.05/bbl. with condensate fetching just $68.05/bbl. with Marcellus & Utica light bringing $75.05 & medium $84.05/bbl.  The NYMEX price of natural gas fell to $4.96/mm