Guest Writers

Creston News

Winter weather has continued in the Creston area with snow, icy roads, some high water and the use of significant amounts of firewood, the latter now apparently banned where the “sophisticated” live to preserve the planet for China & India.

Old Brer Whistlepig saw his shadow in Creston on Ground Hog Day so winter will continue, just like it did before the “green weenies” said that the earth was ‘on fire’.  Of course there are active volcanoes in other places with real fire & the recent action near Tonga showed how absurd the green new deal & such really is.

Rev. Harold Arthur, age 92, passed away in Barberton.  He was the son of Otha Arthur & a grandson of Rezin & Oma Stutler Arthur.

Patsy Bowers, age 80, passed away after fighting stomach cancer.  The daughter of “Pappy” & Mildred Greathouse Villers, she was married to “Bowers” the low drag man for district 3 highways.  While a D-3 employee, he was always a county employee when working in whatever county & thus was liked & respected by all.  She is survived by her two daughters.

The Creston correspondent continues a very slow recovery from the virus that “escaped” from the germ warfare lab that was funded for years by Dr. Fauci & his nefarious associates.  Fauci still claims that the virus “was natural” and pushed the “wet market” story even though one could not buy bats there.  In 2017 Dr. Fauci said Trump would have a pandemic and the published scientific papers prove without a doubt that “he” funded the research that was moved to China as the Big Eared One was advised that such was too dangerous but Dr. Fauci said “it was worth the risk”.  Now millions have died, economies world wide have been destroyed and small children are being given vaccines whose safety data are to be kept secret for 50 years.  Now the DOD report is out showing the significant number of problems with the vaccines given to healthy young soldiers.  Of course those who have the patents on the “experimental” viruses are making immense sums of money and the only government push is for more & more shots even though such is now shown to be, well . . . . . .  The writer would like to thank all those who have helped [wife had it too] and kept them out of the hospital.  This was his round #2 with the virus, the first being in February 2020 but this one was far worse.  A neighbor brought ivermectin which, no doubt, was helpful in fighting the virus.  Dr. Fauci had made the treatment options very difficult to obtain for if they were available [and cheap] the vaccines would not have been approved.  Just follow the $$$$.  Doctors who dared give the treatments that worked were threatened by “the government” that had big tech and the accolade press saying whatever “was supposed to be said”.

Now, Johns Hopkins Univ. has come out with a report showing that all Dr. Fauci’s guidelines didn’t work, masks don’t stop the virus, lockdowns, school closures, business bankruptcies & mandates stopped nothing and now the report is being kept from “mainstream media”.  The push to vaccinate all has hit several snags as those with extensive medical training have not “bought” the deal.  In one large hospital not too far from Creston an entire department refused to take the shots and they were threatened by termination.  They said, “Fine, but you will have to fire us all and then see how you keep the hospital going.”  None of them nor their local families have taken the shot.  A recent study showed that 99% of those who had the virus have strong immunity that lasts for at least two years.

If one needed to be placed in an extended care unit there is no doubt that the unit at Minnie Hamilton is by far the best, folks there have been caring for the sick since Hector was a pup and special loving care has been the rule.  Everyone has been vaccinated, boosted & whatever else but now the facility has the second round of patients & staff with the virus. This time Charles Russell was among those who “scored a positive test”.  Last week they planned to give him the antibodies which have been made scarce by actions by the medical planners down in the lower Potomac swamps.  There will be a day of reckoning.
Some while back Freddie Bush moved hay from Creston.

A while back a Wirt state road dump truck ended up on its side down at Burning Springs after being caught in a bad snow storm.

The price of natural gas [Henry Hub in Louisiana] jumped to $4.57/dth while Fauxcohantas who has opposed pipelines that would take Marcellus & Utica gas to warm her wigwam has now come out against the export of LNG to the world market.  Of course such bans would help her friend Vladimir who is also in the business of selling  gas & oil on the world market.  Local Pennsylvania grade crude now fetches $87.26/bbl. with condensate, formerly called Appalachian light sweet that comes from the Marcellus wells brought $74.26/bbl. with Marcellus & Utica light bringing $78.26 & medium $87.26/bbl.