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Creston News

A small business summit will be held on November 17 from 8:30 until 11:30 at the fire station in Elizabeth for all who have businesses or who want to start a business.  The day starts off with breakfast [always a good start] and then there will be John Williams, Esq., program director of the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Law Clinic, folks from the local banks and an accountant.  One needs to preregister for the event so either call Shelia Burch at 303-483-4679 or by e-mail  This would be an excellent time to ask experts about problems with one’s existing business and ask about how to start one’s own venture and what problems lurk.

Speaking of problems, one fellow who just happened to be laid off from pipelining, discovered that someone had “hacked” his unemployment account and had cleaned out the account.

John Griffin of Creston was elected as a Wirt County Commissioner and Craig Arthur was elected commissioner in Calhoun County.  The Arthur & Saltkeld families have long & deep roots to Creston.  Locally Baldy Blair’s Amendment #2 went down with a thud and that brought down all the other amendments as well.  Obviously, most folks realized that the “no car tax” gimmick was a bait & switch as the “big boys” couldn’t care less about a break for small folks.  The plan was to make $billions in in infrastructure, equipment and facilities tax free so homeowners & farmers could pick up the freight.  No doubt Baldy had some ‘splaining to do to his donors that he had promised a sweet deal.

On the national level the deep state, the Mexican drug cartels, Chinese dictator Xi & the RINO republicans had a heyday by whatever means as votes are still being counted, so they say.  Mitch McConnell & Kevin McCarthy did more that we’ll ever know to kneecap Republicans that were not “good little puppies” & obviously helped democrats to stop a “red wave”.  The election of Fetterman shows that ability & qualifications mean absolutely nothing but the “election” of the senile fellow had already proved that as did the last election of W. Va.’s grand kleagle when he was only good for about 15 minutes at a time.  Mitch McConnell might do better being a tour guide/docent at a blended whiskey facility.

The remnants of the last hurricane brought rain to Creston and the river is up some.

There is a timber job on the old Tom Alec Hopkins place.

Chancy Shaw helped Ted Grim move some dirt at his place to fill in an old cellar.

It was reported that there were at least 400 private jets at the big global warming conference in Egypt.  Hanoi Jane’s buddy John F. Kerry [Jon Cary] noted that the climate change agenda was “modeled” after the effort to roll out vaccines during the pandemic.  That means that we can look forward to high-pressure coercive tactics from both government & corporate elites.  Kerry said the First Movers Coalition is ” needed to create demand signals in the market where they don’t exist which takes boldness.” That is, they want to artificially create demand where none exists for electric cars, fake meat grown in labs, replacing animal protein with crickets & other insects and solar and wind power in place of reliable coal, natural gas and oil.”  Of course that is not how free enterprise works but they intend to push this on the world through ESGs and a Chinese point system that punishes those businesses & individuals who refuse to go along with the new system. 

At the [Sen. Donna] Boley breakfast Chris Rose, who is an actual coal miner talked about his running against Broadway Joe in 2024.  He noted that Justice, Morrisy, Mooney & Warner would all be in the running too.  Having a non politician representing West Virginia would be a rather novel and likely excellent change for the good.

Riley Moore, the W . Va. State Treasurer, gave a talk at the meeting too about the Hope Scholarship which puts W. Va. in the lead in the nation with school choice now within the reach of ordinary folks.  Of course the W. Va. rating on test scores was abysmal & some think  that such in on purpose.  Sen Patricia Rucker is to be thanked for her boldness and vision.  He also talked about divesting from Black Rock and the big banks that push ESG which is a recipe for ruin.  Some home schoolers did not know that the Hope Scholarship funds were available for them.  Of course the education bureaucracy is furious, to say the least.  Moore noted that when he was in the legislature he was appalled by the lack of professionalism of the ‘teachers’ during the strike & he noted his children would not be in government schools run by such people.  He also noted that if one pulled Catholic schools out of all the ratings they would be tops.  It is long past time to abolish the federal education department and the “mandates” that the state must do to get the “all important” federal dollars. 

At the meeting it was learned that Perfesser Gee Haw, who runs the university at Morgantown, has opened a new facility, the Mengle Memorial Institute for the Mutilation of Children, a place like those exposed in other parts of the nation where surgeries are done on children for “sexual purposes” including castration, breast removal, etc using taxpayer funds.  It was hoped that the legislature would act & quickly.  Depravity now has a worse definition, that along with the U. S. government working with the cartels to sell children into the sex slave business.

Folks who had occasion to motor to Tyler County note that the road there are busy with dump trucks hauling stone for pads & roads and sand box trucks taking sand to frac jobs.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude rose to $87.96/bbl. with condensate, formerly called Appalachian light sweet fetching $71.96/bbl. & Marcellus & Utica light bringing $78.96 & medium $87.96/bbl.
