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Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church & served Holy Communion.
The Creston Christmas Party will be held, weather permitting on Saturday, December 10. There will be a covered dish meal so get with Kathleen to tell what you are bringing so that there are not 10 mashed potatoes and no beans. Rumor has it that a jolly fellow from the far north may make an appearance.
Alvin & Nancy Engelke spent Thanksgiving Day visiting with Mr. & Mrs. Adam Yates. Gasolene down that way in some places was below $3/gallon. Locally folks went to the meal at Shade Tree which was free for those who could not afford a meal with all the trimmings that was good.
Cap’n & Mrs. Spock were calling on Mr. & Mrs. Cooter Marks at Millstone.
Some nice sets of antlers have been harvested locally. The other evening it was difficult to drive back to Creston since all the cervids seemed intent on jumping out in front of passing automobiles.
Some years back the animal rights folks said it was BAD to trap fur bearing animals to make coats & other cold protective gear and that folks should use plastics. Nice people would throw paint on fur coats and folks were shamed. The price of fur crashed & the population of raccoons exploded and there was a rabies epidemic that started in W. Va. & went to Ithaca New York [but it was a good thing, don’t you know — liberals mean well].
Now the global warming folks [the same folks as the animal rights folks] say we must stop using fossil fuels [here] so China can build several hundred more coal power plants this & next year. Of course plastics are made from petroleum products so there is a dilemma — what to do? Most agree that coyotes must be trapped and their fur will not build up ice when around a face in very cold weather which is good for men & women who must be outside in very cold weather and beaver pelts have always been the best fur ever to sell but a fellow the other day got a big one & it is said to be only worth $5.
The Royal Dutch Shell ethane cracker in Monaca Pennsylvania is now operating at full speed using 95,000 bbl. of ethane/day. The green weenies are trying to shut it down for apparently they want all such facilities to be in China.
A leading professor at MIT has asked that the vaccines stop being administered to young fellows until a study is done as to why there has been such an increase in myocarditis and death. Excess deaths continue to be of great concern and reading the obituary column continues to show large numbers of “young” folks. Now the most deaths are among the vaccinated. However, the New World Order people here & elsewhere want to continue with mandates, digital passports, vaccine proofs and the new thing, perhaps starting next year is digital currency with a complete phase out of money. In the new world order “you will have nothing and be happy”.
The new county commissioner elect in Calhoun County, it was reported, was not advised that there was a training for newly elected county commissioners.
Those who follow the oil business, which started in Burning Springs & has been a part of the local economy ever since the 1850s note that there is now an ‘energy death spiral” by those who want to destroy America as we know it. Now, OPEC will once again call the shots on what petroleum prices and the products that come from oil & gas are world wide. This was something that the ruling junta did deliberately.
An EQT gas storage well in Cambria County Pennsylvania sprung a leak [about 1 bcf -one billion cubic feet] but now the well has been plugged.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude fell to $76.94/bbl. with condensate, formerly called Appalachian light sweet fetching just $60.94/bbl. with Marcellus & Utica light bringing $67.94 & medium $76.94/bbl. Y grade liquids from the fractionation plants fetched $46.712/bbl. and the spot price of natural gas was $7.02/mmbtu while the Henry Hub price was /$5.426, the price on the Columbia System (TCO) was $4.787 &on the Dominion System (DTI) it was $4.674/mmbtu.
In a complaint filed by Sgt. K.M. Williams of the WV State Police, he stated that on Sunday, January 21, 2024, at approximately 10:30 p.m., Justin Rae Meadows contacted Calhoun 911 and reported that he was being harassed and requested to speak with an officer. Sergeant Williams responded to 127 East Little Kanawha Hwy in Read More…
On Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at approximately 1115 hours, Cpl. N.S. Stepp, received information that Jamie “Jarvis” Bailey and , who had an active felony warrants, was currently located at 938 Pink Road in Arnoldsburg, Calhoun County, West Virginia. Upon arriving at this address, Trooper Step attempted to knock on all the exterior doors without Read More…