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Rev. Keith Gillespie hit a patch of ice over in Jackson County so there were no services at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. Very cold weather has been predicted for the coming week. Wirt County roads were treated with salt.
Barb Wright, Kathleen Cervonne, Charles White & Alvin Engelke took a trip to the Mouth of the Elk and went under the golden dome to pick up a check for $22,000 to replace windows and do other work on the Creston Community Building. This assistance to the community was a result of work by Wirt County’s state senators Donna Boley & Mike Azinger. The community is very appreciative of their work for the benefit of local taxpayers.
Ed Hardman & crew have been working in different places in the Creston area.
It is understood that the ruling junta intends to in May turn the control of the health of America’s citizens to the WHO [World Health Organization] a globalist group that answers to Chinese dictator Xi. That outfit is for vaccine mandates and has no concern about individual liberty. Along those lines more and more data come out about the deaths and health damage caused by the m-rna vaccines pushed by Pfizer & Dr. Fauci. Remember, Dr. Fauci last practiced medicine in 1963 when he became a very successful bureaucrat acquiring great wealth. In recent depositions Dr. Fauci claimed to have memory loss.
The state Republican Executive Committee winter meeting is on January 20 down at the Mouth of the Elk. Chairman Elgine McArdle who is stepping down to run for judge had Bryon Fisher who works for Mitch McConnell draft legislation [that was supposed to pass before Saturday] that would take control away from local committees and county commissions and shift power to the ruling elite. It was learned that McConnell put this into force in Kentucky to make sure that local residents there were rendered helpless against the local representatives of the deep state. This same stunt had been tried at an earlier state meeting and was shot down. This time the plan was to have the legislature do the dirty work.
It appears that the clueless postal system intends to close the postal sorting facility in Charleston so that all mail, even that from Creston to Grantsville, Elizabeth & Spencer would have to go to Pittsburgh and that mail left at local post offices would not be picked up until the next day. Presently folks are having difficulty getting credit card payments made on time even when the check is sent out the very next day after receipt of the bill. Also, postage is to go up again January 21 – inflation you know. A public hearing will be held at 2:30 P. M. on January 30 at the Civic Center in Charleston.
The crew cutting down trees so the sun will shine on the road was working on W.. Va. 5 in Creston. The area where they were “working” is where the highway department has no right of way so everything that was cut belonged the adjacent landowners. Some years back the Wirt county crew cut some young paw paw, sumac and sassafras timber on the property next to the Palestine Bass Hatchery. The state taxpayers got to build a very nice cabin on the property as a result. One can drive by and see it.
It is now the time for those who wish to file for office, both locally and on the district and state level to file.
The ruling world elites are now gathering at a posh resort in Davos Switzerland where the WEF (World Economic Forum). These folks intend to rule the world. Mr. Blinken, of Winken, Blinken & Nodd is one of the US representatives. Do you feel safe?
A large amount of coyote scat is obvious at the mouth of Little Creek. The invasive pests need to be eradicated. It was reported that the coyotes killed a dog on a porch in Elizabeth recently. Those who oppose “fossil fuels” and thus synthetic fibers and clothes should encourage the trapping of coyotes to make warm, organic natural clothing and coats. Speaking of pests, local homeowners continue to have to deal with the government stink bugs. Typical aliens they just come in folks homes without asking.
Occasional Cortex, who called herself Sandy Cortez when she was a Westchester County coed at a prestigious university , said that old white men were responsible for all the pollution and global warming. Who knew that Hindoostan (India) & communist China were run by white folks. In the old comic strips Westchester County was called Horsechester County if you get the point.
The big oil & gas news is the “merger” of Chesapeake & SWN (Southwestern). Chesapeake recently came out of bankruptcy and now swallowed SWN. Chesapeake used to have a vast acreage in W. Va. but sold out while SWN has Marcellus wells in northern W. Va. It is understood that both have been using the Marcellus as a cash cow to finance operations in the Haynesville which is closer to LNG exports. EQT has also increased the amount of natural gas to export. The merged company is said to be bigger than EQT.
Ten people were on hand January 13 to take down the Christmas decorations at the Creston Community Building. There will be a meeting in February so stay tuned.
A main line church in England said terms like husband and wife were no longer appropriate as some might get offended.
The EIA (Energy Information Agency) believes that the Henry Hub [Louisiana] price of natural gas will stay low through both 2024 & 2025 although, because of the cold snap he price jumped up to $3.19.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude slipped to $70.37/bbl. with condensate fetching just $52.37/bbl. Marcellus & Utica light was $61.37 with medium $70.37/bbl.
The ornery black horse that belongs to my wife’s friend Becky that I have written about several times died last night. He died when lightning struck the stable he was in. The veterinarian said his death was immediate and he never suffered. Also killed was a Clydesdale Becky had recently bought. For those who have Read More…
Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. The Creston area had warmer weather and rain melting most of the snow. The Little Kanawha came up with water in W. Va. 5 at Cain’s ripple and the Ann’s Run road was passable only to the Creston Community Building (the Read More…
The West Virginia Library Commission and State of West Virginia recently named Gilmer Public Library Director, Lisa Minney, as the 2022 West Virginia Librarian of the Year. She received this recognition for her efforts and dedication to the local public library during the Covid-19 Pandemic. “The pandemic was challenging for all the libraries and librarians Read More…