Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.
Roger Goff is sick with the pneumonia fever. various diseases are active in the area including strep throat.
Ellen Hedge is home and getting around with a back brace & a walker.
Debbie Griffin got a good report from her medical team.
The tree cutting crew is working now in the Burning Springs neighborhood & they actually did cut down the tall dead tree near the lodge hall. However, elsewhere only limbs on dead trees were trimmed leaving the remainder to fall and block the road, often at night. Some things are important while others are of no consequence to the big $$ men.
Creston continues to have warm weather with the Easter flowers now up and hairy bittercress in bloom. Also, there have been turkeys gobbling and some have been wetting some lines down at the old ferry landing at the mouth of the West Fork.
At least one local resident got a call from a polling concern asking about various candidates for governor. The recording talked about Mr. Ka pee toe. Was hard to tell who one was “supposed to support” but they did trash the car dealer.
The Carter bank has started foreclosure action on the governor who owes at least $1.5 billion. At the recent Republican gathering down at the Mouth of the Elk one fellow noted that if he went to the US Senate to handle the Manchin affairs, he would be solvent within just months. Big Jim is backed by Mitch McConnell who is deep state, works with Chuck U. Shumer and wants all the illegal aliens to come here and vote. We are told “everybody in W. Va. loves Big Jim”.
Speaking of the invasion of illegal aliens into the nation it was recently reported that 3 Ex presidents, all members of the uniparty are involved in one of the NGOs [non government organizations] bringing in the illegal aliens. The taxpayers are funding the NGOs who facilitate the invasion.
Marilyn Herron, wife of Hie Lee Herron, age 83, passed away. She was laid to rest just down the road from her home in the Cooper Cemetery.
The Calhoun County Lincoln Day dinner will be Saturday, February 17 at the Arnoldsburg Community Building. Tickets are now $30.00.
Sgt. Jim Blankenship’s daughter Kay works for My Eye Doctor in Parkersburg. She noted that her mother Nancy was not doing well and was staying with Kathy & her husband in Clarksburg.
TransCanada, fka Columbia Gas Transmission, fka United Fuel Gas Company, fka United States Natural Gas Company, part of the John D. Rockefeller Standard Oil empire, announced that the company would build a new headquarters building in downtown Charleston and that 450 men would be hired to staff the facility. Presently the firm has a substantial building on MacCorkle Avenue, across the river.
For those who plan ahead such as those who need to schedule time off from gainful employment, the first Creston ATV poler run is set for April 27 and the Easter Party is scheduled for March 24.
The ruling junta has announced new ESG rules for agriculture that reflect the programs presently wrecking havoc with farming in Europe with big increases in the price of diesel, propane, fertilizer, seed & other items needed to farm It was noted that the price of cheese would have to rise 78%, beef 70%, rice 56%, chicken 39% and eggs 36%. The one world people want us to eat insects.
If implemented the new methane leak rules would shut down 34% of the gas wells in the nation. All this to “protect the planet”. For some reason the venting and flaring of methane (natural gas) in oil producing 3rd world countries is perfectly fine. It was noted that last year set a record for the amount of coal that was burned world wide & in January a record was set for the amount of natural gas that was burned. The Henry Hub price of natural gas dipped to $1.92/MMBTU.
Recently it was learned that the folks promoting the banning of gas cook stoves, heating stoves, furnaces, lights, etc was Billionaire Bloomberg and the nitwits currently running the Rockefeller enterprise.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil rose to $75.84/bbl. with condensate (drip) fetching $57.84/bbl. and Marcellus & Utica light bringing $66.84 and medium $75.84/bbl.