Guest Writers News

Creston News

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church & served Holy Communion.

The Creston area had snow on Saturday morning but most was gone by Sunday afternoon.  Crocuses & daffodils are starting to bloom.  Those who suffer from gout can gather the crocus pollen which is rich in colchicine, the best gout medicine.

Tom Mowrey is doing better now after his extended hospital stay.  On Sunday he was visiting the vampire and dining at Shade Tree.  He had lost 30 lb.

Ellen Hedge is undergoing therapy in Belpre.

The Wirt road crew ditched the Richardsonville road while the Calhoun crew applied rock on part of the road.  In Wood County the tree trimmers were busy but ignored the potholes.  The big $$ contracts are important, other items, not so much.  Naomi Toler, the mail carrier, noted that she had more flat tires.

A news babe on the tee vee came unglued when someone noted that, under our founding documents, our rights come from God, not the government.  Of course, if rights “come from the government” then the government can take those rights away.  Apparently now saying such makes one a “Christian Nationalist” which, apparently, is a bad, bad thing.  Along those lines the pope said that the bitter cold that has gripped Mongolia and Sinkiang [where genocide is in full swing by Dictator Xi] is caused by global warming and that the virus that came from the Wuhan Germ Warfare Lab that caused the plandemic is earth’s natural response to the climate crisis.  It was reported recently that likely 17 million died from the “safe” vaccines and that one is to ignore the “excess” deaths since the mandated vaccines were rolled out to the world.  In some European countries talking about such is to be a felony with prison time.

Michale Mann, the pseudoscientist who came up with the “hockey stick” global warming story, won one million against Mark Steyn who called him out and asked for proof. Yes, and the moon is made from green cheese and the phlogiston theory is correct.  Remember Galileo had to recant after saying that the earth rotated around the sun under penalty of death

Those who spend time on the internet might want to watch Tucker Carlson’s interview with Mike Benz who explains how censorship works and how “news” has been controlled for a very long time.

Those who want to go to Milwaukee in July for the Republican National Convention as delegates for President Trump should contact WVGOP-ORG. for the application forms.  The application time starts March 15 and runs ’til April 1.  The Trump team is looking for a diverse group of W. Va. citizens to represent the state, not a bunch of political hacks.

Toby Rice, the head honcho at EQT, says he is going to check for leaks of natural gas throughout the Appalachian Basin to “fight global warming”.   A week or so ago old Brer Bar bit a hole in a free gas line.  Would such be grounds for NYC level fine?

The price of natural gas at the Henry Hub [in Louisiana] dropped to the $1.50 range.  Antero, the biggest W. Va. Marcellus driller noted that their profits fell drastically because of the domestic price and that the firm intends to export their product as LNG to compete on the world market with Qatar, Russia & Iran.  LNG prices had been about ten times the domestic price.

BD Oil Gathering (Butch Deer) was in Burning Springs hauling crude oil from the historic field.  It is understood that Ergon has acquired the old Eureka oil station at Brooksville from Enlink.

Kathleen Cervonne & Barb Wright were visiting family & friends up in Ohio.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil is $75.49/bbl. with condensate fetching just $57.49/bbl. while Marcellus & Utica light is $66.49 and medium $75.49/bbl.
