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There was a big crowd of children at the Creston Easter party held on Palm Sunday.
The “big event” will be at 2 P. M. on Saturday, April 6 at the Senior Center in Elizabeth when all the candidates for county office, district offices and state wide candidates come to the Meet & Greet. Come and meet them all [or at least all who think Wirt County is important]. There will be things to eat and there will be a pie auction which could be a lot of fun. Some years back at a similar event in Pleasants County, some of the pies were “placed” on some politician’s faces. Everyone is invited to the free event.
The governor who now wants to go play senator vetoed a bill that would allow exemptions from vaccine mandates from the UN, WHO and other dubious groups who have been pushing untested and likely dangerous shots and vaccines for the profit of their “buddies” like Bill Gates who wants to decimate the population of the world. We know what he & his ilk think about residents of rural America. The legislature had passed a law that would have allowed parental rights in such matters but the deep state and globalist forces told him no and he wants to go to the DC swamp to work for them. In the senate race he has an opponent who has a much different approach.
Carol Miller is supposed to represent Creston in the US House of Representatives but she voted for the $ trillion budget that no one was allowed to read. It was noted that she wasn’t even a RINO [Republican in name only] but was an ‘undocumented democrat’ for going along with Chuck U. Shumer & the ruling junta. She has an opponent in the primary. Perhaps she should be sent home to help her son, who wants to be governor, run the family used car lot.
In the other House of Representatives race the “anointed one”, Riley Moore, used to work for the Podesta Brothers who run a lobby firm in the DC swamp that represents foreign nations to the detriment of our values and needs, just like son Hunter does. He is opposed by Nat Cain who ‘got into trouble’ for exposing high level corruption and is hated by the deep state swamp dwellers. One of the Podesta brothers is currently the “energy czar”.
There is been a lot of hoopla lately about pot holes “being laid to rest”. Some local folks had occasion to be on I-77 near Ripley. One has to be careful.
The daffodils are now fading but the narcissus are in their prime and the red buds [where the state hasn’t cut them down] are coming into their glory.
Barb Wright & Kathleen Cervonne spent Easter Sunday with family up in Ohio.
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Marks were visiting their son & family in Ohio over the Palm Sunday weekend. The grandchildren were in the special church program.
Shade Tree’s Easter special was an overwhelming success. When the eatery “runs out of the special” one has done well. It should be noted that the ham was good to the last bite.
Some new kittens have arrived in the Creston area.
The big spring Creston ATV Poker Run is scheduled for April 27.
Several area residents have been consulting with their physicians and optometrists.
Back when it was always thought that getting an education was the means of self improvement and the advancement of the nation. Now with all the woke lunacies there are serious questions. What does one do with a gender studies degree? Why should taxpayers who don’t spend years at a party school have to pay off the student “loans” of affluent folks who go there? A recent case in point is that Ohio State, said to be a beacon of learning, has proposed a course in “climate justice”. One of the texts is a book on how to blow up pipelines. Perhaps the folks who blew up the NordStream gas line causing the greatest amount of natural gas to ever be emitted/vented/wasted could give some guest lectures.
Rusty Hutson, Jr.’s Diversified Energy (formerly Diversified Gas & Oil) recently purchased their partner Oaktree Capital Management’s share of their wells in Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana. Diversified has large numbers of wells in the local area [and all over the state].
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil rose to $82.17/bbl. with condensate, formerly called Appalachian light sweet, fetched $64.17/bbl. Marcellus & Utica light was $73.17 & medium $82.17/bbl. The Henry Hub [Louisiana] price of natural gas was $1.76/MMBTU although it was reported that out in west Texas producers were having to pay people to take the associated gas produced with oil there. In a sane world someone would be building a natural gas power plant but the ruling junta wants to bring America to its knees so no such luck.
On Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at approximately 9:36 p.m., the Corporal DC Moore was advised of a fight in the area of 147 Hays Street in Arnoldsburg, WV. The complainant calledagain shortly after and advised that one of the parties had left and returned with what she believed may have been a knife. When Cpl. Read More…
Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. The Creston Neighborhood Watch meeting will be at 6 P. M. on Monday, August 8 at the Community Building. The Creston area continues to have rain. The “experts” had told us that we would be suffering from a drought but that Read More…
April Dawn Carpenter appeared before Judge Anita Harold Ashley on Wednesday, January 4th for an arraignment. She, appearing by Microsoft Teams and her attorney M. Joel Baker by phone entered a plea of not guilty in case 22F34 charging her with Grand Larceny and Conspiracy to commit a Felony. At the request of her attorney Read More…