Guest Writers News

Creston News

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.  On his way to church he got up close and personal with a deer!! This was his first.

The big spring Creston ATV poker run will be Saturday April 27.  Signups end at noon.  Bring the whole family for an outing that shows the best of West Virginia with, rocks, rills, running water over rocks, high hills, deep valleys, all sorts of wildflowers, wild turkeys, amphibians, lichens, moss & liverworts, venison, places for a picnic, etc. Those with sharp eyes might detect morel mushrooms and tasty ramps. There are plenty of deep mudholes for the “he-men” and Amazon wimmen to show off what their machines can go through.  One can see where during the last high water some sections of road were completely washed away.  Biscuits & gravy will be ready at 8 A. M.  It might be wise to bring a winch, tow straps, tools and tire repair kits as one will not be close to a service station or hardware store.  Cell phones may work in some isolated places but bring them to record the fun or record some one getting hopelessly buried in a play spot that is covered with green algae [pond scum]. The trail crew had to use a come along to move a dead tree from one fun section of the route.

The heavy maintenance state road crew came and repaired the Ann’s Run road at the washout at the mouth of Pete’s Run.  The crew also replaced some rock along the piling as one would head back toward Creston.

Those who watched cartoons remember Wiley Coyote who used modern technology [via the Acme Corp.] to try to capture the Road Runner.  Well, Wiley’s Creston cousin who might be described as an illegal alien as no one asked the invasive pests to come to Wirt & Calhoun counties.  Anyway, the local representative decided that using the Creston bridge was better than swimming across the Little Kanawha.  He got hit on the bridge and Old Brer Buzzard and his fambly worked on carcass removal.

Wild iris [flags] are at their peak as are other spring ephemerals and Randy Bunner’s cherry tree.  The invasive garlic mustard is starting to flower.  All those plants need to be pulled up by the roots as the invasive pests put toxins in the soil that inhibit and kill native plants.

Ted Grim & Sonney Burdette are both in doing spring work at their places.  Some have been hunting for the clever wild turkeys with minimal luck.

A life insurance company published an actuarial table that noted that as a result of “those who took the jab” there is now a 40% increase in the death rate of those between the ages of 18 and 64.  The establishment has called some of this “long covid” but it seems that many now have lost their natural immunity and are now compromised.  Some feel that the end result will be mass genocide.  Of course Bill Gates and his friends said there well way too many people on the planet and most “had to go”.  One local fellow tested positive for Dr. Fauci’s Wuhan Kung Flu last week and was laid up.  It might be noted that now it has been learned that all the details of covid 19 were known in 2018 but, of course, not shared with the Trump administration and others not deemed appropriate.  The plandemic was to be “a surprise” although Fauci said in 2017 that there would be a pandemic on Trump’s watch.

The state political scene has “gotten interesting”.  Jim Justice who employs Broadway Joe Manchin’s right hand man Larry Puccio has now endorsed Moore Capito to take over as governor.  Manchin had Justice run and now Justice is seeking the senate seat Manchin is vacating and Larry Puccio is in charge of Moore Capito’s campaign.  Manchin had Justice run as a democrat and then had him “become a republican” when such became more convenient.  This would mean that now Broadway Joe [if their scheme works out] would, in fact, run both the senate position and the governor’s office via the “flunkies”.   He had the “little wife” named head of the Appalachian Regional Commission which doles out $millions in grants to “needy” causes in several states.  All this means that W. Va.’s ruling plutocrats, two prominent law firms, a family that has up a sign in a neighboring county stating “since 1844” and the extensive Manchin family and allies would continue their iron grip making sure that W. Va. remains poor and under their control.  Justice & Capito are to campaign jointly but, to be fair, they should share the podium with Larry & Joe, the masterminds.  A recent article written by Mac Warner lays out all the details for those who had not been following the saga.

President Trump was given some very bad advice as he is said to be backing congress critter Carol Miller who, once again, voted against us and with the deep state.  The ads say, “Everybody in W. Va. loves Carol Miller” but such is indeed a fiction [to use nice words].

Some local folks attended the Wood County Farm Bureau meeting featuring candidates.  Patrick Morrisy, who is backed by the Farm Bureau, gave a good talk.  He and several other state Attorneys General fought the Biden administrations’ WOTUS (Waters if the United States) rule that would have given authority to the federal government of every inch of the local area after the downpour last Thursday which had water standing in every lawn, garden, meadow, pasture field and wood lot.  Couldn’t plant a shrub without permission from the government.

Joshua P. Wise of Titan Energy was attending to business in Creston.

There is a lot of talk about the need for lithium.  In addition to use in high tech meth labs it is in cell phones, etc.  A recent article in the science journal Nature shows that Marcellus brines have significant amounts of the desirable mineral which is recovered in some Pennsylvania facilities but in W. Va. is dumped in injection wells.  Is anyone awake down at the Mouth of the Elk?  Eureka Resources in Dimock Pennsylvania noted that the firm could provide 25% of the nation’s need.

The Henry Hub [Louisiana] price of natural gas is $1.75/MMBTU.  Demand for natural gas to generate electric power took a 2 bcf/day (billion cubic feet) increase from last year to 32.7 bcf/day. LNG exports hit a new high of 20 bcf/day.

Local Pennsylvania grade crude dipped to $82.14/bbl. with condensate fetching $64.14/bbl.  Marcellus & Utica light was $73.14 & medium $82.14/bbl.  It would appear that gasolene is on the way to $4/gallon as it is already $3.75 in some places.
