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Rev. Craig Blankenship filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.
Laura Ann Doty, age 47, of Greencastle died as a result of Dr. Fauci's virus. She was the daughter of Dick & Shirley Doty. For several years her mother worked in Creston.
The Creston area continues to have snow, rain and some high water or typical winter weather. In spite of the cold the "Easter flowers" especially the jonquils are up and the wild turkeys are gobbling.
Local folks have been eating the tasty dough nuts at Our Bread & Batter in Elizabeth.
The old Doc Wix house on the dePue farm is no more. A tree had fallen on the structure which had been vacant for a few years. It is understood that the new bridge across the Little Kanawha will be near where the house formerly stood.
Apparently the local road crews have all the potholes patched, all the ditches open and culverts unplugged as both Wirt & Calhoun county crews have been trimming tree tops with the high dollar rented equipment while leaving dead trees to fall and block the roadways. On W. Va. 5 in Calhoun the "activity" made the Little Kanawha Parkway look more like the road to the town dump or perhaps the road leading into Simpleton Springs. Seems the fine feller in Building 5 down at the Mouth of the Elk who has a buddy who rents the specialized equipment to the taxpayers could care less about the looks of the state's highways, especially when sincere people are trying to make Grantsville, Calhoun County & the surrounding area a place where folks would want to live, work & play. Of course one evening last week the night watchman must have fallen asleep for in the morning all the roads in Calhoun were covered with snow & ice. Since it impacted no one in the elite sections in the capitol city, no big deal.
It was reported that our legislators who claim to represent us are now considering a bill that would allow the "Big Boys" to drill property if only a few of the owners agree to their terms. "On, we'll pull out our rigs and go to Pennsylvania if you don't give us what we want!" Apparently that and "greased skids" do wonders down under the golden dome. West Virginia is in the middle of the largest oil & gas field on the planet and W. Va. is #5, world wide, [after United Arab Emirates] as a place to drill. Royalties should be 25% on wells that make $millions but "our leaders" want us to get 6% and they want to force us into binding arbitration and deny our rights to use the courts to redress grievances. They also refuse to require the use & access to accurate metering of produced oil, natural gas, condensate and NGLs (natural gas liquids). Wonder why?
It is now learned that the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) intends to have an annual mandate for a Wuhan Kung Flu virus vaccine for all over the age of 5 months. The "spokesman" noted that when the big pharma guys give large sums to the agency, "things happen". The 40% increase in deaths, as reported by the life insurance folks, is a real concern about the safety of the drugs that the government intends to force the peasants to take without question. Such is said to be a "once in 200 years event". The senile one extended the federal emergency over the virus that was to expire next month. This was after the little tyrant in Canada established martial law [in essence] because the truckers were upset over his draconian rules. Each time a Canadian trucker comes back into Canada after picking up or delivering a load in the US they have to spend two weeks in quarantine. In that nation now if one does not go along with the "plan" one can have one's assets seized, insurance cancelled & ability to work eliminated or a "social credit score" as is now the rule in Dictator Xi's China. Such is part of the "new world order" and the "Great Reset".
It is understood that, perhaps, those who went to the genocide games in Peking [Were we not told to never allow a repeat of the concentration camps & genocide of the 1940s in Europe?] may be bring back to the rest of the world hemorrhagic fever virus. Along similar lines Forbes Magazine fired one of their folks for talking "misinformation" on Dr. Fauci who never practiced medicine and who never did lab research but controls $billions in grant money and thus has power & would never lie.
Rick Atkinson attended the Creston Neighborhood Watch meeting.
Local folks received telephone calls asking to call Broadway Joe to have him vote for "BBB"< the socialist takeover bill -- said would lower drug costs. The former president did that & big pharma retaliated and prices went back up to cover "lobbying costs". He also went along to bring in more foreign workers to help big firms that do not want to hire American citizens -- a man for the people.
The Creston area food pantry is now back up and running after those who are involved recovered from the virus that came from the germ warfare lab.
Barb Wright got a good report from her medical experts after her inspection.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude is now $90.07/bbl. with condensate fetching $76.07/bbl. with Marcellus & Utica light bringing $81.07 and medium $90.07/bbl. Some may remember that son Hunter was on the payroll of an oil company in Ukraine and now, with weak leadership, there is a world crisis over that unfortunate country & Russia.
Is Anyone Else Feeling Broken? Or Is It Just Me? I’ve been thinking over my own life the past several weeks and recalling patterns that seem to have taken root in younger years, grown deep and developed into a type of lifestyle as I moved on into adulthood. I made a choice as a child Read More…
Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. Carolyn “June” Goff Greenwalt, age 71, of Walker passed away. She was the daughter of William & Edna Gay Ruble Goff who formerly lived in Creston. According to CDC data “bad batches” [4 to 5%] of Pfizer & Moderna vaccines caused Read More…
Some Creston folks attended the big annual fireman’s event in Elizabeth while others participated in the Mid Ohio Valley Trump Train activities. The Creston area received some much needed rain and the river is now muddy. Some trees were blown down. The comely Kim was visiting her mother Wilma Mowrey. They attended a family reunion. Read More…