Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.
Folks need to keep in mind that the big Creston ATV poker run will be Saturday, June 29. The ride will start out “easy” with folks saying, “Where’s the mud?’ Be patient and be sure to have working winches, pull straps, chains and cameras to video the “he man holes”. The day will start with biscuits & gravy.
The W. Va. State Folk Festival will be June 21 & 22 in Glenville with the banjo & fiddle contests Friday & Saturday afternoons at the college auditorium. This is where one hears traditional music as was played by our ancestors.
A huge crowd was on hand for the Ergon catfish fry in Marietta. There were all sorts of oil men & gassy men [too much flatulence], oily women [but not like Olive Oyl} and lots of regular folks including Brooksville & Creston residents. Barton Lampton came up from Mississippi to oversee the feast. The special secret blend of spices and pure Pennsylvania grade crude oil made for the tastiest catfish and chicken [for the non fish eaters] ever. Bob Gertz, Clay Cashdollar, Kathy Hill & Sue Colteryahn were among the “local” Ergon Oil folks. Ergon purchases most local crude oil & operates the old Eureka Pipe Line facility at Brooksville.
Hay harvest continues in the area and the coming week is said to be hot & dry. Up in Amish country four horse teams can be seen pulling round bailers through the hayfields. Folks there must also be short handed when it comes to physical labor although on one instance some teen age girls were helping put square bales in the barn.
Some claim that “inflation is over” but the 20% or more increase in prices of almost everything has not reversed. Nest month postage takes a 5 cent/letter increast to 73 cents. Older residents remember sending first class letters for 3 cents. Recently, a certified letter mailed on Monday in Bridgeport made it to Creston on Saturday which is now considered “pretty good”.
Betty Bish fell the other day in her kitchen and the Creston Homecoming has been moved until August. [Stay tuned.]
Jack Griffin had been very good about taking Debbie out for her daily walk but, alas & alack, she was diagnosed with the gout.
Talk continues about the new proposed plandemic with most of the talk about “bird flu”. Millions of chickens have been killed and dairy herds are said to be infected. Some feel that the plan is to starve us out by killing off all the critters we like to eat as well as the source of eggs. Seems Bill Gates had a “scientist” working at the USDA Poultry Research lab in Athens Georgia that was doing “gain of function” research on bird flu. Similar research was said to be happening at the Erasmus laboratory
in the Netherlands. There was “escape” from both labs and from the Georgia lab migratory birds were infected which spread the contagion all over the place
There is another bad side effect of the so called COVID 19 vax. In addition to causing heart problems with young men a study in Denmark determined that, among the vaccinated, here is a 22% decrease in sperm mobility. This adds to the problem in western nations of low fertility and shrinking native populations.
EQT’s Mountain Valley Pipeline is said to be now functional taking away 2bcf/day (billion cubic feet) of natural gas from West Virginia to the Old Dominion. Broadway Joe Manchin & other politicians made it a big event. Seems there are those who do NOT want our resources used here for jobs & economic growth. Folks wonder just what Broadway Joe is up to. In last week’s Gilmer County paper there were seven (7) press releases from his office as well as a picture of his cousin (A. James Manchin’s son).
Those who want world government announced that the proposed carbon tax is to be used for “universal basic income”. This would provide an income for those who do terror rather than work and other “worthies” who feel entitled to be kept by those who work.
The new EPA rules for coal and natural gas electric generating plants would likely close the new Guernsey County Ohio Utica gas fired plant along I-77 that has only been in use for a year. It would not meet the “new standards” set by those who want to rule over us and have us live as medieval peasants having nothing and “being happy”.
It’s a long way from Creston but our betters seem to want us all to be in world wars so it is news that the pier built to “take aid to Gaza” had to be towed away to the safety of a port in Israel. No doubt the Big Eared One is not happy.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude inched up to $77.62/bbl. With condensate fetching $59.62/bbl. & Marcellus & Utica light bringing $66.62/bbl. Gasolene prices range all he way from $3.05 to $3.60/gallon.

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