Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.
The social event of the season, the Creston Community Halloween Party, will be starting at 5:30 P. M. on Saturday, October 28 at the building. Bring “finger foods” for the meal after the judging or consult with Linda Buchanan, Linda deVries or Donna Sue Ferrell. This is the event where anyone can dress up and “be somebody”. There will be two hayrides, one for the little ones & the other for those who have nerves of steel [or are just plain stupid]. Some have said that one must be careful around the witches that might show up for they could get mad and cast a terrible spell on one. It was noted that one had better not mess with Donna Sue for she could whap you with her cast and really hurt one. Children of all ages [even those in their second childhood] are urged to enjoy the ghastly event. Of course there will be beautiful damsels, folks from space, celebrities and some old grumps that refuse to dress up. At prior events there were folks there that no one was able to ascertain who they really were.
Fall is in full force in Creston with leaves at their peak. Some folks drove to Welch, Princeton, Fayetteville & Webster Springs to see the colors but the best is the road from Creston to Spencer up over Ground Hog. Others went to Spruce Knob, Dolly Sods and Snowshoe where white stuff was seen. For those who keep track, Jacques Frost called in Creston on October 11 although flowers were not killed.
Some folks came down from Amish country to help with the apple butter making event with Donna & Carl Ferrell at the camp.
Janet McIntyre, age 81, Jim McIntyre’s wife, passed away. Burial was at the Bryner Chapel at Joker.
There was a big birthday celebration for Barb Wright.
Suellen Arthur reports that the cute kitten she obtained from Alvin Engelke is a wonderful companion. Alvin has some more who need loving homes including two black ones that in the dark have eyes that glow, ideal for the Halloween season.
Charles Russell who now lives at Minnie Hamilton had a big birthday party on the event of his 85th event.
Marshall University came out with an announcement of a new cyber security program involving $$ millions. Turns out Gov. Jim Justice has a $300,000 parking lot in the middle of the plans that “no one knew about”. One might wonder if he has clear title or whether the Russian oligarch has a lien on it. There is a major mystery as to how the coal baron was able to get Trump’s approval. If Trump has friends like that he does not need enemies.
The dedicated antler hunters have game cameras out to try to get a feel for the wily bucks but, it seems, there is more bear activity. One big old boar bear lays down in the deer corn and takes both paws to shove the corn into his mouth.
Some years back when the Arkansas grifters were running things, FOB [Friends of Bill] Tyson Foods almost succeeded in shutting down the W. Va. Poultry industry. Now the politically connected firm is working with the WEF [World Economic Forum] to make insect food for people to eat. The WEF and oligarchs like Bill Gates say that the peasants do not deserve to eat real meat — global warming, don’t you know?
Someone recently pointed out an interesting bacon fact. Seems those who eat bacon are far less likely to blow themselves up. Along those lines it is shocking to see the number of those who side with those who want to eradicate the Hebrew children from the planet. The senile one is back sending “humanitarian aid” to the terrorists. One can talk about micro aggressions, proper pronouns & so called climate change or one can observe actual terror and aggression. It is said the Army ads dropped the twinks and went back to ads showing people who could and would fight.
It was reported that Chesapeake Energy & Southwestern [SWN] are talking merging. Chesapeake did have wells in W. Va. and SWN is active in the state. Both are active in the Marcellus/Utica. Both take the profits and invest in the Haynesville (Louisiana) shale play.
The hoopla continues over the “awarding” of the $1 billion hydrogen hub to W. Va. The Plan is to use our cheap natural gas to make hydrogen with the carbon dioxide either being used or pumped back in the ground. Since it is a government program the laws of physics are suspended and this would be better than using the natural gas directly. The head firm is “Prof. Grant Swinger’s ” Battelle Institute, a firm that exists to get taxpayer money. Another pig at the taxpayer trough is TRC Companies, a firm that sates they know how to give ESG “advice”. It was noted that before anything happens the tax law in the Green New Deal law [Inflation Reduction Act] will have to be changed so that the connected ones can get the “needed” tax breaks.
It was noted that oil & gas leasing has picked up both in Ohio and in West Virginia. Thanks to our legislators the new oil and gas leases are not bad but very, verry bad and they should never be signed unless one wants to be robbed.
The US EIA (Energy Information Agency) recently came out with the amounts of taxpayer $$ that was spent on alternative energy. From 2016 -2022 the total was $121.`17 billion. The subsidy for kilowatt hour of energy is as follows, hydro power 44 cents, fossil fuels $1.03, nuclear $1.21, wind $16.79, biomass $17.79, geothermal $17.93 and solar $68.67. The solar $ helps fund Chairman Xi’s war machine against us.
Several Creston folks ate at the Wirt County Fireman’s steak dinner while others motored to Ripley to see trees and dine there.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil is $87.75/bbl. with condensate [super mountain high test] fetching $69.75/bbl. with Marcellus & Utica light bringing $78.75 and medium $87.75/bbl. Henry Hub (Louisiana) natural gas was $2.90/dekatherm. Some gasolene in Parkersburg is now less that $2.95/gallon or about $126/bbl., tax included.

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