Guest Writers News

Creston News: From the Local to the National Scene

Rev. Keith Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

Albert “Bub” Ferrell, age 50, died at home after acquiring the new RSV virus.  He had been sick at work and went home to go lie down & rest.  He worked for Momentum Pipeline at Mt. Zion. Dr. Fauci, the hero for some, said that the gain of function research was “worth the risk”.  There are many who believe that the wealthy bureaucrat was wrong, wrong, wrong.  A memorial service will be held December 23 at the Brooksville Baptist Church.

Dr. Fauci’s replacement, Dr. Hugh Auchincloss [his longtime deputy] signed a new deal with the Wuhan germ warfare lab for more [bioweapons] studies using U. S taxpayer dollars.  It is also reported that he rescinded the ban on “gain of function” research.  More reports come out about the danger of the vaccines, especially as youth, mainly young males, are impacted.  In the new world order dissent is not tolerated.  You are not to question, you are to obey.

It was reported that a fellow from the polar regions showed up at the Creston Food Pantry on Friday.  Apparently he did not indicate that the elves in his workshop were on short rations.

Kermit Tyree had a crew working in Creston one day last week.  The crew had been working in Grantsville.

There were nine (9) vehicles from the state road and the consulting firm at Creston the other day talking and conversing about the replacement bridge across the Little Kanawha on W. Va. 5.  The present structure has some serious problems.

Emma Cooper has been on the sick list and had been “vacationing” at the Minnie Hamilton Health Care facility. She was taken by helicopter to first Clarksburg & then Morgantown to diagnose her ailments.  Kathleen Cervone & Barb Wright were among those calling on Charles Russell who resides at the extended care facility there.

One local family received a Christmas card from the Trump family and then a card from Baby Dog & family.

The report about the state road folks cutting tree tops “to save the road” as “core maintenance” got the attention of one resident down at the Mount of the Elk who noted that the DEP had MANDATED that well roads be wide and daylighted causing large numbers of trees to be cut down to comply.  Needless to say, there were objections and demands to show “the science”.  Of course, there was a failure as “proof” did not exist.

The W. Va. DNR & DEP have announced that there is to be a new facility at the Palestine Bass Hatchery, located on Fish Hatchery Road, just upstream from old LKR Lock #4.  In addition to the new building & parking lot one pond will be fixed so that it can grow algae to feed mussels.  The hatchery had been raising paddlefish to restock steams that go into the Ohio River.  Creston native Bee Hopkins (Jr.) was the first superintendent.

Darrell Roberts, age 88, died at the new nursing home in Elizabeth.  While he never lived in Creston he always liked to come to Creston to play music.  His father Lewis was a pumper for the WEVA Oll Company on Deever’s Fork.  The family is an example of the American dream for one of Lewis’s great, treat great grandsons is a cadet at West Point.

Denise Bunner, down at Shade Tree, got on a baking spree and made some delicious rolls & cinnamon rolls along with some tasty potato salad.

Nick Delulils, the head honcho at CNX, a Standard Oil Company, came out with a plan to utilize the natural, gas liquids, oil & brine being presently produced in the area & shipped off to benefit others.  Instead of sending it all away, why not use the resource here to make things and thus make this part of the nation the economic power house of the nation with jobs & wealth generation.  The Appalachia First idea reflects what the Shale Crescent folks have been promoting for years.  Is anyone down at the Mouth of the Elk paying attention?  Of course such would require good schools & there are those who do not want that.

This past week, on the national scene, has been a major news event.  First it was learned from the “Twitter files” that after Trump won in 2016 the FBI put together a group of 80 agents to make sure that such a thing would never, ever happen again by controlling the news and what folks were allowed to talk about, think, etc.  Then it was found that aiiegedly the CIA was involved in the killing of John F. Kennedy and then the pope defrocked Rev. Frank Pavone because he had too much zeal in opposing abortion.

While we have been told that “coal is bad” and that we must fight global warming and all that hogwash, this year world wide new records have been set for the burning of coal & more is anticipated next year.  But in West Virginia, we are close down our coal plants to replace the power from windmills & pixie dust.  One fellow noted that there had been objection in W. Va. to the building of natural gas powered electric generating plants while the green weenies promote “green” hydrogen.  Presently hydrogen costs eleven times what it costs to use natural gas.  This year the amount of natural gas produced has set a new record of over 100 bcf/day [billion cubic feet] of sustained production.

It was learned that Enron [now called EOG] has “quietly” acquired 395,000 acres of Ohio Utica.  Enron still has deep rights in the Creston area that slipped through the bankruptcy proceedings.  No problem since the company lawyer had his name on the currency during the Clinton era.

The Creston area has been having snow flurries.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude is $75.11/bbl. with condensate fetching $59.11/bbl. with Marcellus & Utica light bringing $66.11 & medium $75.11/bbl.  Natural gas at the Henry Hub was $7.024/mmbtu. with natural gas on both the Dominion (DTI) and Columbia System (TCO) fetching just $6.229/mmbtu. Y grade gas liquids from the fractionation plants was worth $32.983/bbl.
