Rev . Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church & served Holy Communion.
Creston had a “January thaw” and the snow all melted and along the Richardsonville road some chickweed is now in bloom. Now some streams are out of their banks.
The former state chairwoman had Byron Fisher write the proposed law based on how Mitch McConnell took control of Kentucky so local folks there have no power against the local representatives of the Deep State. Baldy had some big fundraisers and he is using the SS to try to remove conservative Republicans who do not kiss “the ring” or wherever. What is sometimes referred to as a circular firing squad.
The comely Kim is visiting Wilma Mowrey.
Tom Mowrey is still on the puny list & now is in rehab. Th medical folks note that there is now a “new” virus out and about. Some wonder if it is Disease X that the ruling elites at the WEF [World Economic Forum} were talking about.
Mr. & Mrs. “Cooter” Marks were calling on Rev. Carl Marks. “Cooter’ noted that was he glad that he no longer had to plow snow during storms but could go out on the porch and wave at his former co workers.
The State Road tree cutting crew is still in the Creston area doing “important work” according to those promoting the multimillion dollar spending spree. One W. Va. 5 resident noted that they broke the edge of the pavement, damaged the driveway, left deep tracks in the lawn and pulled mud on the blacktop. Those who drove down I-77 to the Mouth of the Elk noted that the “imperfections in the surface of the roadway” have not been fixed as the big honchos are too busy having trees cut to help out their contractor friends. As they say, “Follow the money.” There is now a rim bender down in the capitol city. Maybe the big bosses don’t know about COLD MIX. It would not take too long to fix the worst on the holes. A local person was up in Pocahontas County recently and sent pictures of the trees that had been altered for the so called leaf free roadways. All this makes W. Va. look like those in charge are a bunch of, at the very least, incompetents. Some years back they sprayed the rhododendron with herbicide and now the red buds are being removed with heavy equipment. Way back when the story was, “cut down to trees so the mudholes will dry up”. None of these nincompoops have ever had to work to get extricated from a mudhole in the blazing sun on a hot day where there is no cool shade to take a breather from the effort to go on down the road.
A faithful reader of the Creston News who lives near Gregory in Braxton County noted that the pipeline folks put a lot of stone on the road going by his place but that recently the state road came along and “flat bladed” the road and shoved 500 tons or rock over the hill. The natives are restless in that neighborhood.
Barring inclement weather, the Creston Community Building will have a meeting at 6:30 P. M. at the community building on Tuesday February 6.. All willing workers are urged to attend.
Ellen Hedge fell and broke some bones. She is being fitted for a back brace. As we all age we do not bounce very well.
The ruling junta decided to stop all 17 facilities that were being built for export of LNG (liquified natural gas) as there is a “climate crisis”. If there was a real crisis someone would stop the flaring of natural gas that happens in third world countries and certain oil fields in the USA. If there were really a crisis Russia, India and China would stop building coal fired power plants and if there was really a crisis the Big Eared One, Al Gore Jr. and several other plutocrats would sell their ocean front properties and move to high ground.
Corporate raider Snowcap Resources tried to short Rusty Hutson’s Diversified Gas & Oil by putting out articles saying that the company doesn’t have the resources to plug wells that need to be plugged. Diversified has tapped into taxpayer funds and has a branch that is in the taxpayer plugging business. the effort was foiled. Diversified has numerous wells in the local area. Hutson’s company is on the London stock exchange and is funded by Key Bank and United Missouri Bank so the firm is flush.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude rose to $77.01bbl. with condensate jumping to $59.01bbl. and Marcellus & Utica light bringing $68.01 and medium $77.01bbl. The Henry Hub price of natural gas is $2.52 while November gas sold on the Dominion system (DTI) fetched just $1.2954/dekatherm. Natural gas liquids [ethane, propane, butane, etc.] fetched 89 cents/gallon.