
Creston News: News from the World, State and Creston Area

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

Because of rain the flea market and car show at the Creston Community Building were cancelled and both rescheduled for Saturday, May 27.  Hope to see everyone there.

Rick Tucker who had open heart surgery and then a broken hip is now home and his brother Randy is not doing well either.  Their sister was calling on Randy.

Barb Wright got good reports on her blood work and is awaiting results from a culture.

On Saturday the Wirt road crew was mowing the berm on W. Va. 5 but they turned around before getting to Creston.

The government’s multiflora rose is in bloom as are mock oranges, iris and peonies.  There are several fine looking potato patches around.

The world’s ruling elite are having their annual Bilderberg secret meeting in Lisbon Portugal where they scheme to enslave us all.  The head of NATO, the WEF [World Economic Forum], Stanford University, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft, Pfizer various US government functionaries, Henry Kissinger & Stacy Abrams are among the participants.

The WEF [World Economic Forum] has now come out against nitrogen fertilizer even though the atmosphere is 80% nitrogen. “it’s bad you know!”  One of the limiting factors for plant [and food growth] is a lack of nitrogen in the soil.  Nitrogen is needed to make protein but now the elite have said that nitrogen fertilizers are bad and must be banned.  Perhaps this is why no ammonia or urea plants have been built in West Virginia to use the vast supply of natural gas [methane] that is available from the world class shale wells in our state.  Could it be that the nattering nabobs that rule down at the Mouth of the Elk take directions from the world’s ruling elite?  Over in the Netherlands, an exporter of meat and other foods, there is a big push to shut down farming and now there is an attack against rice, the grain that feeds at least 50% of the world’s population.  They say that rice culture generates 10% of the world’s methane production “and that is bad”.  Taking their clues from the “experts” the government of Ceylon [Sir Lanka] allowed only “organic farming” and 90% of the nation went hungry.  John Heinz Kerry, who is married to a billionaire, heiress & flies all over the world in a private jet said 1/3rd of green house gases come from agriculture and that must stop even though farming feeds 100% of the population.  The WEF wants a “farm free future” thus all food would be lab grown and that, along with digital money would enslave the entire planet.  It was noted that the fine folks who talk about “Net Zero” have never experienced hunger.  A recent example of socialist control of things is in Venezuela where in desperation the zoo animals were eaten.  Modern farming, using fertilizer, has bred food security which, in turn, has bred food complacency among the elites.  Prior political food shortages [famines] killed millions in Russia & Ukraine.

Now that it is after May 10 and there is little risk of frost tomatoes & peppers are being planted.  Charles Russell who resides at the Minnie Hamilton Extended Care unit helped plant peppers & tomatoes there.

Some local folks were attending to business in Rainelle. They also visited Hawk’s Nest State Park and environs.

Talk locally continues concerning the power plant in Pleasants County with a rumored close later this month.  “Oh, it won’t impact us as the power from there “goes out west!”  It is generally understood that there is a grid and the electrons go as directed.  The Wall Street Journal noted that the new EPA rules for shale gas and coal power plants will shut them down with the result of an end to “reliable electricity”.  Moral of the story  – make sure there is plenty of wood and a stove that does not need electric to work and that one has a generator hooked into a reliable natural gas supply.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil is $70.55/bbl. with condensate, formerly called Appalachian light sweet, fetching $54.55/bbl. with Marcellus & Utica light bringing $61.55 & medium $70.55/bbl.  The Henry Hub price of natural gas rose to $2.59/MMBTU and some expect the price to go to $3.50 or more by December.
