Rev. Kevin Gillespie was not able to fill his regular appointments but is said to be on the mend.
The Creston Neighborhood Watch will have a litter pickup on Saturday, September 9. Willing workers should show up at the Ferrell residence at 9 A. M.
Barb Wright has been consulting with her medical experts. Among other things she has been dealing with kidney stones.
Kathleen Cervone’s sister Linda is reported to not be doing well. She has been dealing with cancer.
The rain quit locally for a while and some fine second cutting hay was rolled up. The moon has been spectacular for those who go out to watch celestial activities.
It was learned that the IRS has now acquired 40 cal. machine guns. Makes one wonder. Some who have “offended” the powers that be found that they have been “debanked”. That is the banks have closed their accounts. Such seems to be more common with the Chase Manhattan Bank. New rules now make it difficult to loan to small firms and some local small establishments now report that jobbers and wholesalers do not want to provide supplies. Obviously the plan is to squeeze out all the “little people”.
Cambridge University exposed the “using trees as carbon credits” to be a scam and now some big players, Shell, Gucci & Nestle have dropped out of the plan. Bill Gates now has a company Kodama Systems and he wants tax credits so the firm cam cut down 70,000,000 acres of trees and bury them in sealed vaults so they do not “spew out CO2 when they burn or rot. One cannot make this stuff up.
The power plant in Pleasants County is now back up running generating electricity to maintain the life style that includes lights, electric refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, freezers, radios & televisions. The new company is Omnis and “the plan” is to convert to burning hydrogen which would be produced from natural gas from Marcellus &Utica wells not yet drilled.
Fred Bish has been vacationing where one is brought breakfast in bed. He has been poorly for a while.
Steve Loudin was calling at the Creston Space Dock.
Lots of folks are in for the long weekend, some on motorcycles, others going about on ATVs & UTVs, fishing, checking out the big bucks, etc.
Denise & Jerry Bunner returned from attending a wedding at Cape May, New Jersey.
The State of West Virginia reported that August 2023 tax collections of $410.7 million as opposed to $507 million a year ago. Severance taxes & personal income taxes were down. The crash in natural gas prices will drop the numbers significantly lower.
While Hawaii is a long way away we have the same federal government. Now there is a fence around the burned area with guards and a prohibition of drones. The pictures of all the burned cars was because people were trying to escape but someone blocked the road. The real cause of the fire still remains a mystery as power & water were cut off before the fire.
It was reported that ecoterrorists burned some of the equipment used to finish the MVP [Mountain Valley Pipeline}. Also one young lady used a device made from petroleum products to tie/lock herself to machinery there because the pipe is for “fossil fuels”. No doubt she walked from wherever to “protest”.
Broadway Joe’s wonderful anti West Virginia legislation that he put through the congress for “The Big Guy” has all this stuff about dealing with methane leaks and the “damage to the environment”. A recent study now has determined that at least 50% of the methane going into the atmosphere comes from natural causes, much from fresh water. Elsewhere in the world the natural gas if flared or vented to get the oil but we are not supposed to know about such doings.
Ryan & Jessica Marks & daughters Ryland and Brooklyn were camping over the holiday weekend.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude rose to $84.55/bbl. with condensate fetching $66.55/bbl. and Marcellus & Utica light brought $75.55 & medium $84.55/bbl. While the Henry Hub price of natural gas is now said to be in the $2.50 range gas produced on Owl Hill in June fetched just under 15 cents/mcf. At that rate it would take over 4 mcf to buy a postage stamp.
