Guest Writers News

Creston News: Politics-A Shot in the Arm, Shot in the Dark, A Shot at Survival

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

The big Creston fall ATV poker run is scheduled for Saturday, September 30.  Round up the younguns, the grand children, the neighbors and make a day of it playing in the water, looking for trophy bucks, wild turkeys and having a great time in the woods, also searching for ripe paw paws and observing local historical sites.  Creston is on W. Va.  Rt. 5 half way between Elizabeth & Grantsville for those not in the know.  Biscuits & gravy start out the day & the kitchen crew can pack your dinner pail with goodies for the ride.

Cool fall weather has come to Creston which makes for better sleeping at night.  Some are predicting lots of snow for the coming winter.

There was quite a bit of excitement when one of Miller Trucking’s log trucks had an accident at Slate on W. Va. 14.  The logs created an impediment  to travel. Then, it turned out, that the driver had outstanding warrants from Kentucky so he ended up with 3 hots & a cot.

Kathleen Cervonne was helping her sister Linda  & husband move into an assisted living facility up in Ohio.

It was reported that the  Ohio DNR has shut down temporarily the brine injection wells in Athen County.  There had been indications of leaks of radioactive  materials.  Some might wonder why the brine is not used to recover the compounds since they all have value and are routinely used.  As the ad once said that if  the tomato is worth its salt . . . . .

Broadway Joe, who has family members in all aspects of state government [cousin at Glenville State] and now the little wife is head of ARC [Appalachian Regional Council], now wants one of his toadies to be on FERC [Federal Energy Regulatory Commission].  Roosevelt’s New Deal promised a chicken in every pot.  Now with the Green New Deal the man who drives a Maserati & lives on a yacht will have a finger in every pie.

More bad things continue to come out about the vaccines that the government wants us to take.  Now, it is reported 75% of America is vaccinated and there are disturbing findings.  First the messenger rna given in the injections does not break down but continues  to make the virus spike protein and, among other things causes blood clots, the likes of which have never been seen before & these clots are resistant to the usual medications that dissolve clots.  Also the myocarditis caused does not go away and likely lasts for years & causes severe problems when stressed. Some believe the real reason for pushing the jab is to depopulate the planet.  Meanwhile Bill Gates is working with his “friendly mosquitos” to spread vaccines that he is promoting.  We live in scary times.  Dr. Fauci’s virus had  a death rate of about 1%  & was hard  on  the elderly, Obese & vitamin deficient .  The new world  order wants everyone to be vaccinated and to be forced to use digital currency to eliminate all freedom world wide. 

Parkersburg attorney R. Bruce White, age 88, passed away.  He was a decent man who helped many people over his legal career.  He was also very civic minded.

It was reported that US natural gas production hit a new all time high of 102.69 billion cubic feet/day with the record next year to ne more. Ethane production also hit a new record of 2.7 million barrels’/day with an influx now from the western shales.

Exxon the Rockefeller flagship company stated that in 2050 oil & gas will provide 54% of the energy while coal will be 14%.  Presently, all noise aside, New York State, run by the green weenies not gets 2% of its energy from wind &  solar..  Close behind is cooked cabbage, butter milk & lima beans.

Those who have had occasion to be up in the panhandle recently report that the huge Mitchell power plant appears to not be running although coal is still being added to the pile.

Cackling Kamela again stated that goal of the government is to assure equal outcomes through equity, not equality, the former of which is/was the law.  Equity says we all end up the same regardless of effort, ambition, etc.  In Cuba all the peasants get the same weekly rations of beans.  What she  proposes requires  brute force and maybe this is why the IRS now has machine guns and there are lots of attacks against both the first & second amendments to the U. S. Constitution.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil rose to $89.77/bb. with condensate, formerly called Appalachian light sweet, fetching $71.77/bbl.  Marcellus & Utica light was $80.77 & medium $89.77/bbl.  Oil from west Texas went above $90/bbl. & Henry Hub Louisiana natural gas was$2.64.  No such luck for gas produced locally