The green weenies are, once again, screaming ‘global warming’ but the snow and cold impacting the Creston area is merely a return to what would have been considered routine winter weather. Weather is cyclical so what else is new? Friday evening there was circa four inches of new fluffy snow on top of what had previously fallen so there is a winter wonderland. One day last week there were 15 wild turkeys digging in the ditch along the Richardsonville road looking for tasty morsels. One was seen with a nice worm.
Large numbers of birds are flocking to bird feeders. They include chickadees, titmice, juncos, white throated sparrows, nuthatches, woodpeckers, gold finches, red birds & blue jays.
There was some excitement in Creston Saturday when some fellow in an 18 wheeler followed his GPS and decided to drive on the Boice Hill road in Creston which goes down river from the West Fork bridge and after leaving the Bingman & Boggs properties goes up the hill to Ground Hog & the Umstead. The hapless fellow got as far as the Connie Boggs residence before he ended up in the ditch. Finally he was extricated. The side roads have been plowed but there are piles of snow on each side since it has not melted.
Kevin “Weasel” Wease is a patient in the WVU hospital in Morgantown suffering from the pneumonia fever.
Debbie Griffin is recovering from surgery at the Cleveland Clinic. While on the mend she misses Jack Griffin who always took her for a walk up the road. He is loyal to his human.
Victor “Pappy Vic” Vandall, age 82, of Marietta passed away. He was born in Spencer the son of John & Ollie Henthorn Vandall.
The ruling junta came out with a ruling attempting to ban natural gas water heaters as well as gas stoves.
Down in North Carolina where FEMA decided that the residents there were not “really candidates for assistance” came out with a ruling that folks had to leave their temporary housing over the weekend when it was 20 degrees Fahrenheit. “We are from the government and we are here to help you!”
The devastating fires in California, the land of fruits & nuts, are awful to watch. Seems the emergency reservoir was empty so there was no water in the hydrants but, have no fear, the DEI head lady was pulling down a salary of 400 big ones so no problem. Fire trucks came from Oregon to help but they were not allowed because they were lacking “smog certificates”. Earlier “surplus” fire equipment was sent to Ukraine & the fire budget was cut to assist illegal aliens. Makes one thankful to be able to live along the West Fork of the Little Kanawha River where one has natural gas and plenty of fire wood that can be legally burned for warmth.
Oil production from the Utica shale in Ohio has been a big topic in oil cycles since it is the result of new technology. It was reported that the oil is very thin, much like condensate or drip. West Virginia also has an oil window in the Utica which is 1100 feet thick in Calhoun & Wirt counties. Educated folks are needed to develop new technology; too bad the educrats are against teaching science and math to the citizens.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude rose to $75.57/bbl. With condensate, formerly called Appalachian light sweet fetching $57.57/bbl. with Marcellus & Utica light bringing $64.57/bbl. The NYMEX price of natural gas rose to $3.936/MMBTU.