Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.
The Creston area had cold weather with a little snow. Historically, Thanksgiving locally was butchering day for the hogs that were the main source of protein for local families. This year it was cold enough on Friday to cool the meat so it could be worked up to cure as hams, shoulders, bacon, mincemeat and, of course lard for cooking and making pie crusts. The Creston news writer’s great grandmother [who lived in the same house] ate pork and lived to be 99. To quote some, “Had she eaten healthy, she’d lived to be old.”
It was reported that it was so cold in Chicago that the EVs (government mandated electric cars) would not charge. Now, perhaps, all the EV rules can be discarded in the waste bin of history and the taxpayers can recover the costs from those fraudsters who pushed the scheme.
Karson Propst had a great Thanksgiving day as he bagged a nice 10 point in Creston. On opening day his little cousin Asher had dropped a spike.
Sgt. Thomas Fluharty, USA, Retired, is now in rehab so he is on the mend.
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Rhodes & daughters & granddaughters were among those who feasted on the Thanksgiving goodies at Shade Tree.
Larry Wease, the local IT guy, now has a sign up directing those with computer woes to his operations on Lamp Black Lane in Creston.
Bessie & Suellen Marie Arthur were attending to business in Elizabeth. Suellen noted that she had acquired a puppy from Jeremy Ferrell.
The EPA has allowed the State of West Virginia to have primacy over CO2 injection wells now known as Class VI wells of which there are none presently in the state. They re part of the great climate scam.
Kathleen Cervone & Barbara Wright were visiting with family & friends up in Ohio for Thanksgiving. Jimmy Wright was said to not be doing all that well.
It was reported that EQT in October permitted 15 Utica & 13 Marcellus wells in Marshall County.
The AGA (American Gas Association ) is suing the ruling junta over proposed new rules for gas furnaces in homes as the proposed new rules would either raise the cost to $4,700 or increase the cost $4,700/unit. Our betters would prefer that the peasants freeze in the dark.
The Sunday School lesson was from Isaiah Chapter 40. The lesson was appropriate for now America has been given a new chance to correct the errors and now make the way straight, now false gods can be cast aside & the nation be set aright. The appointments for the new government are obviously striking fear in the hearts of the deep state folks so, perhaps, the federal government can be downsized [oh, say by 80%] and the power can be returned to the citizens as our founders intended. As noted earlier if there are some who “cannot be fired” they could be transferred to special offices in Welch where there are empty buildings that could easily be fixed so there would be little offices for them with a table, chair & light.
The PSC (Public Service Commission) continues to be in the news. First there is the plan to abandon over 1000 miles of natural gas gathering lines with Mother Hope & Rusty Hutson Jr.’s plan to convert pay customers over to propane. What about the producing as wells that are on those lines? How many &where? The press release cites all local counties although, apparently, producers have not been notified. Now there is the problem with the “Wild” Frontier Telephone Company. Part of it was “spun off” from Verizon and now, it is said, they want it back. Kelli Arthur who runs a business place in Elizabeth has noted that with new routers, new this and new that that the internet refuses to work and has put the business in a bad place. Citinet said that they would be stringing new ‘state of the art’ lines in a year or so but time will tell. For certain Verizon couldn’t surely be any worse that Frontier but all things are possible.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil slipped to $67.72/bbl. With condensate fetching just $49.72.bbl while Marcellus & Utica light was $56.72/bbl. The Henry Hub price for natural gas jumped to $3.43 with DTI (Dominion system) $2.085 and TCO (Columbia Gas System) $2.135/MMBTU. Local producers who sold on the DTI system actually were paid just under 95 cents. The price for Y grade natural gas liquids from the fractionation plants was $27.262/bbl. There are reports of high priced propane which means that someone is “doing well”.
One of Perfesser Gee Haw’s people, Brooke Eastman, continues to write to local folks wanting them to get involved in some big carbon capture scam where flim flammers get to use taxpayer’s forest lands as collateral to “pollute” sorta like buying indulgences back in the Middle Ages. Those who worked with the 4-H noted that there were “some weird folks there” so obviously it is time for “housecleaning” at the taxpayer funded operation. Maybe learning might be encouraged, science, math, chemistry & geology, things that would make West Virginia great again. Just a thought.