Guest Writers News

Creston News Week of February 10th

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

There was to be a Creston Area Neighborhood Watch on February 10 but the Ferrell family has the “bug” and the meeting is cancelled until further notice.  As one fellow said, “I don’t like to associate with folks like that!”  No one wants to spread disease throughout the neighborhood.

The Calhoun County Lincoln  Day dinner is Saturday, February 15 at 6 P. M. At the Community Building in Arnoldsburg. Johnny Staats will be providing top notch musical entertainment for the evening.

The Creston area had high water again with several local roads closed. As a result of the thaw after the freezing weather rocks have been falling into various roadways.  On W. Va. 5 the “red cut” before one gets to the Munday road is a “regular”.  Such happened last week and Kathleen Cervone was so lucky as to have an “interaction” with a rock that was in the roadway.  Luckily damage to her chariot was somewhat minimal.  The Wirt road crew cleaned up the rocks.

Carl Ferrell had a successful heart procedure and is now said to be on the mend.  Several local folks have been suffering from various viruses including “Flu A”.  One wonders if the new things are also man made like the Wuhan Kung Flu virus that Dr. Fauci had made for us. While he was given a federal “preemptive pardon” it is understood that some state AGs are planning to charge him for state crimes because of all the deaths/murders that he caused.

Some scolds are “upset” that President Trump didn’t order the price of eggs to be reduced as if was something that anyone could do.  Seems someone in the federal government had gain of function research done at the USDA Poultry Lab in Athens Georgia to develop toxic bird flu which has infected wild birds & caused millions of chickens to be killed “to prevent the spread”.  No doubt it will take some time to rebuild flocks of laying hens nationwide.

Some Wirt County residents attended the state GOP meeting down at the Mouth of the Elk which included a tour of the governor’s mansion.  It was reported that there was a “lot of cleaning” and that there still might be vermin in the basement.  The meetings were positive with no drama and there was a stress to recognize the importance of Christianity in government. The comely CPA who is the state party treasurer was a hit at the meeting when she started her report with a rendition of not being bound by what came before and not having fallen out of a coconut tree. It was made clear that “things will be different now” and that some of the “good old boys” are not very happy.  The happy talk about surplus tax revenues is now passed as there was a $28.5 million shortfall in severance taxes.  Some now realize that the “official policy” of such being voluntary does not work and now the state can [perhaps] monitor the meters used to collect severance taxes, ad valorem taxes & pay royalties.  The gov stated that W. Va. Would have the local equivalent of DOGE that has highlighted immense fraud down in the lower Potomac swamps.  It is understood that state costs for Medicaid bills are a big cost driver.  Perhaps federal action to reduce fraud may help minimize the costs to taxpayers.

Speaking of DOGE local folks were bewildered to learn that poor little Chelsa Clinton got $86 million and that the US taxpayers were funding the BBC (British Broadcasting Corp.), the New York Times and Politico (to the tune of $8 million/year).

It was learned that musician Buddy Griffin, age 76, passed away on February 4.

The state road has had big machinery out grinding up red buds that grew along I-77.  It seems that some do not want flowers along the roadway.  Those going on I-77, especially south of Ripley should be careful to avoid the potholes that have not been touched.  Using an air compressor to clean the holes the new cold mix, if properly applied, will do wonders to fix the “imperfections in the surface of the roadway.”

It was reported that there is a plan to build a power plant in New Albany Ohio to just supply electric power to a nearby data center.  Some would like to have such in Wirt County.

Steve Loudin was calling at the Creston Space Dock.  It was noted that there is now a new starship with a warp drive like no other and with the extra two cylinders it can do Warp 13 with ease.

It was noted that some central US refineries have announced that they can convert from using heavy crude oil like the Athabasca Tar Sands oil from Canada to using light crude that is produced from Marcellus & Utica wells.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil slipped to $70.00/bbl. With condensate, a/k/a super mountain high test fetching just $52.00/bbl. While Marcellus & Utica light was $59.00/bbl.  The price had to do with the “volatile” international scene as the world adjusts to the actions of the “new sheriff” in Washington.  Natural gas [elsewhere] fetched $3.31/MMBTU.