Guest Writers News

Creston News Week of February 3rd

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

The Creston area had warmer weather and rain melting most of the snow.  The Little Kanawha came up with water in W. Va. 5 at Cain’s ripple and the Ann’s Run road was passable only to the Creston Community Building (the school house).  Rough road signs are still in place for the Creston bridge and on Friday, during the rain, the unfortunate bridge department workers were trying to patch the potholes [imperfections in the surface of the roadway] on the bridge deck.  The Wirt County crew advised that they were not allowed to “touch” the bridge.

Jack Griffin was  calling on Dr. Dan Cain one day last week.

Several Creston area residents have been on the sick list.hi

Bonita K. Arthur, age 89, passed away at Miletree in Spencer.  She was the daughter of Okey & Mable Mowrey Arthur.  She has one son, Kenneth Boyd.  Funeral is 1 PM on February 5 at the Matheny-Whited Funeral Home in Elizabeth.

The ground hog in Pennsylvania said there would be six more weeks of winter but the whistle pig up at the game farm at French Creek said there would be an early spring so it would seem that one has a choice.  For certain this year the Easter flowers are not up (yet).

It was reported that now it is the “official” skunk mating season so there should be more polecats out and about, especially on the roadways.

Some local folks motored to Kincheloe to observe the repairs on HG Energy’s Stickel pad that was the scene of a recent gas well fire.

Exxon/Mobil the biggest Rockefeller oil company announced that the firm was going to be involved in providing energy for a data center and now #2 Chevron (fka Standard Oil of California) has announced that it would be building seven (7) power plants to run data centers in various parts of the nation.  Blackstone is to buy for $1 billion a Virginia power plant to supply energy for a data center. A meeting was held down at the Mouth of the Elk last week about the possibility of a data center in Wirt County with electric from a power plant built locally that would use local Marcellus & Utica natural gas, again produced in and near Wirt County.  It was noted that the Utica locally is 1100 feet thick. Not so long back a data center was proposed for Logan County but that “fell through”.

Up in the active Ohio Utica oil area there is a new firm called Tiburon Oil & Gas Partners, LLC which is comprised of former Carrizo employees funded by Post Oak Energy Capital.

The settlement checks from the Jay Bee class action were sent out.  Those who signed leases that had binding arbitration clauses did not reimbursed for the charges wrongly taken from royalty checks.  While firms are allowed to put out “bad paper” for folks to sign it is unconceivable that the “leaders” in state government whose job it is to protect the state & its citizens would tolerate such from companies that wish to operate in West Virginia.  Now with revenue shortfalls perhaps “the wise ones” will consider checking the meters that are used to calculate severance and ad valorem taxes from these folks. One retired meter expert noted that some meters were off by one third and such was not rare. 

It has now become fun to watch the news with the speed that improvements are happening on the national scene, alien criminals being rounded up & sent home in transport planes, DEI, ESG, CRT & “Global Warming” being trashed and active proposals to slash federal spending.  Of course, some are not happy but those folks always enjoyed watching working folks’ oxen being gored by the globalists/socialists.  Think about it — the federal government operating as set forth under the Constitution!

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Webster & Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Bowers were attending to business in Elizabeth.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil dipped to $71.53/bbl. With condensate fetching just $53.53/bbl. While Marcellus & Utica light brought $60.53/bbl.  The NYMEX natural gas price was $3.04/MMBTU but natural gas locally sone on DTI (Mother Hope) fetched just $1.3956 and on Greylock only 76.197 cents.  Those who had gas to send to the cold north east during the zero weather were able to afford luxury vacations but such is not the case for local folks.