Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.
Rev. Craig Blankenship will be the speaker Sunday evening March 30 at the New Home (Mayberry) church on W. Va. 14 before one goes up Mayberry Run. He was the popular preacher at Burning Springs, New Home & Elizabeth before semi retiring to Wheeling. The occasion is the Fifth Sunday service at 6 P. M. There is ample parking next to the church which is situate high on the hill overlooking the scenic Left Reedy Creek valley.
The Amphibian Chorus has announced that spring is here and along the roads colt’s foot is in bloom and catkins are shedding pollen. Grass is growing and the USDA’s multi flora rose is coming out in leaf. Potato patches have been planted with the anticipation of creamed potatoes from the first ones that are graveled.
Ted Grim was spending some time at his place and called on Bessie Arthur & Ellen Hedge. He is having chariot trouble; seems the FWD decided to kick in automatically in his truck.
Wilma Mowrey’s sister Arlene, age 90, passed away up in Ohio. Also, Wilma has been on the sick list.
One local resident had occasion to attend to business in Gilbert, an area that had recent bad flooding. It was noted that gasolene is 50 cents/gallon more expensive in Beckley than in Parkersburg. Makes one go hmmmmm.
The Hope Natural Gas Company meeting on abandonment of 1000 miles of gas pipelines is Tuesday, March 25 at 6 P. M. At the old school house (City Hall) in Ellenboro. Turn on Old US 50 like one was going to Lamberton and it is up on the hill.
Windy weather has caused electric outages as well as telephone and internet interruptions. One local resident in frustration purchased Elon Musk’s Star Link. Musk is a national hero after rescuing the astronauts that the senile one left up in space. Star Link came to the rescue after the bad storm in western North Carolina and east Tennessee when FEMA refused to act. Speaking of FEMA they have a place in Pineville which seemed to not be very busy. Citinet has been stringing cable in the Burning Springs section. Folks from Palestine said the trucks had New York license and the trailers were licensed in Maine and the workers had no ID and spoke a foreign language.
Mary Newton and family were visiting Mr. & Mrs. John Griffin & Jack.
Seems some folks never learn. It appears that the West Virginia legislature is once again trying to get an amendment on the ballot to change the Tax Limitation Amendment of 1932 that protects homes and farms. The scheme is to allow “business inventory” to be tax exempt meaning that all the fractionation plants, worth $billions would be tax exempt saving the “poor” out of state fellows $billions in taxes. To make up the slack, homeowners would have to “pay up”. Several years ago some of the “wise ones” down at the Mouth of the Elk noted that taxes on owner owned homes in West Virginia were “too low”. Folks need to let their favorite legislators know about this proposed travesty.
According to the W. Va. State Treasurer’s office in 2023 severance tax on oil & gas was $19.8 million with $4600 from Wirt & $20.200 from Calhoun County. The tax generated in Marshall County was $4.2 million. Since the State Tax Department and the mineral owners are not allowed to check the meters on the Marcellus & Utica wells reporting of severance tax [and county ad valorem taxes] by the “big boys” is voluntary. There have been class action cases against some with $millions awarded for cheating on royalties but, of course, those who donate to “our rulers” wouldn’t cheat, now would they? It was also reported that court actions continue, apparently with the blessing of the state government to set aside the Tawney Case. Seems the “boys” want to take deductions from the small royalties that are paid to West Virginia mineral owners. As one fellow said several years ago, “I want it all!” For world class oil & gas the royalty should be 25% gross but we are not supposed to know or expect such. “Don’t you know your place?”
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil crept up to $67.26/bbl. With condensate bringing $49.26/bbl. And Marcellus & Utica light fetching $56.26/bbl. The price [elsewhere] of natural gas was $3.964/MMBTU.