Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church & served Holy Communion. He announced that he would be retiring come July 1, 2025.
The Creston area had the first snow of the season but then it all melted away. Denise Bunner has a red rose that is full of bloom and her marigolds have not yet been frozen. Also some picked hot peppers on Sunday which certainly is not a bad thing as now it is believed that mild warming and increased CO2 will be good for the planet with more greenery and thus more food for both animals and humans. Exxon Mobil’s head honcho Darren Woods told President Trump he wanted things to stay the same, the Paris climate hoax accords and mucho taxpayer $$$ to remove CO2 from the atmosphere [and perhaps the ocean]. He wanted the taxpayer funded gravy train to continue so the “poor” Rockefeller family could have their life of luxury at the expense of others. Now some have called for Mr. Woods to be canned. Over at the big UN COP 29 “global warming” meeting at Baku on the Caspian Sea there was an uproar because the US was only going to give $300 billion to the poor nations such as India to fight “climate change”. How dare we? Perhaps some of the 50,000 delegates, many who came on their private jets, choked on their caviar for which the Caspian is famous. Nigeria which is “famous” for flaring its natural gas [rather than use it] said the sum was “an insult”. For sure Elon & Vivek have plenty of targets to cut taxpayer waste & abuse. Those who tell car makers what kind of chariots that they may make should be fair game as well & busybodies who say how one can heat one’s home need to find other employment. The killing of Peanut the Squirrell & Fred the Raccoon by government agents reflects the attitude big government has for the peasants, that is those who pay their bloated salaries. The current FEMA scandals bring to mind instances where FEMA banned folks going into the previously flooded homes to remove family heirlooms. Some have been crying that the reforms will put “thousands out of work”. Those poor folks who have six figure incomes and who do nothing of value can learn how to clean streets, pick up litter, paint & repair dilapidated buildings, learn how to harvest produce, etc. They can also grub multiflora rose and autumn olive, government programs that caused extensive damage to pasture land, etc.
At the same time Jeff Bezos, who apparently has more $$ than brains is trying, by all sorts of stupid way to lessen the amount of burps [which might include methane] made by cows, goats, sheep, deer, bison, musk oxen, & other herbivores. Next he may be trying to keep fish from swimming and putting CO2 in the water. Of course CO2 makes algae & seaweed grow which makes biomass which is good for lots of reasons. Spend some time studying biology & geology.
Local residents were among those who attended the Thanksgiving meal Saturday at the Minnie Hamilton extended care unit. It was a big success. Others went to the cornbread & bean dinner at Morristown.
Monday is opening day of firearms deer season. Everyone is “looking for the big buck” although it is very difficult to eat antlers. There are lots of deer and several big bucks.
St. Thomas Fluharty, USA, Retired, remains a hospital patient but is out of ICU.
Gary Floerke, head honcho of MPLX (formerly called Mark West), noted that his firm now fractionates 8 bcf/day(billion cubic feet/day) of “wet” natural gas with 2.9 bcf/day from the huge Sherwood facility in Doddridge County . Each day 800,000 bbl. Of natural gas liquids are processed and 2 million bbl./day of propane is exported. In fact 2/3 of all the stuff going through their facilities are exported rather than being used here to make finished products, provide employment and generate wealth for West Virginia & surrounding states. Perhaps a new administration in both Charleston & Washington will have a different outlook on what to do with our resources. Gas from Creston is 18% ethane.
In one recent week there were 26 loads of LNG (liquified natural gas) shipped to other parts of the world. This was 97 billion cubic feet of natural gas. 2 bcf/day goes through the line that crosses W. Va. 5 between Creston & Burning Springs.
Broadway Joe Manchin helped the Senile One pass the “Inflation Reduction Act” otherwise known as the Green New Deal and all sorts of rules have been promulgated to shut down the oil patch. The last one is a proposed $1,500/ton tax on methane. There was an old fellow who lived in an upriver county who always said, “It takes a big hog to weigh a ton” but how much natural gas does it take?
“Peanut” Bunch was attending to business in Elizabeth.
An outfit from Bridgeport that is not authorized to do business in West Virginia sent out 600 letters to oil & gas owners in Troy District of Gilmer County wanting to buy the minerals. It is understood that at least two companies are planning to start drilling horizontal Marcellus wells there. The letters told folks their taxes were delinquent and the Gilmer County Sheriff’s office noted that their telephones rang off the hooks for two weeks. Now, everyone knows.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude slipped to $65.87/bbl. With condensate, or super mountain high test, brought $49.87/bbl. While Marcellus & Utica light was $56.87/bbl. The Henry Hub [Louisiana] price of natural gas rose to $2.90 but, of course, the price here is much less.

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