Guest Writers News

Creston News Week of October 28th

Rev. Keith Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church & served Holy Communion.  It was reported that in Calhoun County there is quite a bit of action over the recent moves by so called “church leaders” who decided that Scripture now has no place in “church doctrine”.  Sorta makes the pharisees of old look good by comparison.

A 350 lb. Bear was harvested out on Ground Hog.

Beautiful fall weather continues to be the norm around Creston.  Many of the leaves have now fallen but the reds of sumac an dogwoods are still vibrant.

Elizabeth Gandee, age 87 of Mineral Wells, passed away.  Her grandfather, B. B. Armstrong was a merchant in both Creston & Burning Springs.  She was an R. N.

Ronald Shrader, age 75, of Little Creek passed away.  He was the son of Howard & Faye Shrader.

Charles Haverty was attending to business in Creston. He noted that his daughter is to open a veterinary office at Chloe.

Mountaineer Gas had their rights-of-way in Creston mowed.

Several hobgoblins, witches, beautiful damsels and folks from “the other side” showed up Saturday afternoon for the Creston Halloween party.  The building and surroundings were covered with bones, tombstones, hazard tape and scary things.  Food was served along side amputated fingers and eyeball punch was served.  As usual children of all ages came including one in black with a big scary beak. Also there was a traffic cone (actually an orange barrel) and a flag person for a tree trimming firm.  Seems a good time was had by all.

On November 2 there will be a chicken barbecue at the Methodist church in Elizabeth.  Serving will start at 3 P. M. Election day is November 5 and every vote counts.

Someone put up some nasty political signs in Calhoun County likely indicating the dread that has overtaken Kackles and the ruling junta.  Early voting has set records for local counties reflecting what is happening nation wide.

Kyler Propst was doing some landscaping work at Ground Hog.

Some local folks were consulting with their physicians.

The US Dept. of Energy announced that $44 million will be spent to drill two carbon dioxide injection wells in Marshall County, W. Va. & Belmont County Ohio.  This is part of the “green new deal” and the ruling junta is trying to get the money spent before election and a change in administrations.  The CO2 injection well in Illinois has now spring two leaks.  Some of the federal largesse [US taxpayer money] has gone to newly formed entities, no doubt for “the greater good”. $billions are being shoveled out the door.

The hole in the Little Kanawha River bridge at Creston has not been fixed.

The Freshwater family from Spencer, long time oil & gas men, sold out to the Isner family’s Pillar Energy.

Not so long back the ruling junta announced that hauling LNG (liquified natural gas) in train cars would be dangerous even though various natural gas components currently go by train.  To get an idea drive up W. Va. 2 to Natrium (or Kent as it is called there) to the Blue Racer natural gas fractionation plant and try to count the tank cars.  Now it turns out that a railroad in Florida uses LNG to fire the locomotives and the fuel is in a tank car — oh my. Talk about looking dumb.

Concern continues over the PSC (Public Service Commission) proposal to replace free gas with either propane or electric alternatives.  Someone needs to go down to the Mouth of the Elk and read the proposal. Most [older] oil & gas leases call for free gas.  Is this a way to break the contracts?

Rusty Hutson, Jr.’s Diversified Gas & Oil recently inked a deal to provide 40 bcf [billion cubic feet] of natural gas for LNG export.  It has been reported that some areas in W. Va. Are experiencing a lack of natural gas supply.  Charity should start at home one would think.  While the Henry Hub of natural gas price rose to $2.56, natural gas in W. Va. Has been selling for less that one dollar.

Peanut spread sone lime on the historic dePue farm at Creston.  Lime was also spread on fields on Straight Creek.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil rose to $70.78/bbl. With condensate fetching $52.78/bbl. And Marcellus & Utica light bringing $55.78/bbl.  The surgical strikes by Israel against Iran caused some panic in the oil markets. Israel humiliated Iran  because the mullahs were helpless in trying to stop the planes, bombs & rockets.  No doubt the Big Eared One & the Iran spies in the US State Department and DOD are irate.  Mordecai would be proud as no civilians were impacted, only terror targets.

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