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Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.
Kathy Bunner, Carl Ferell’s sister, dropped dead Sunday morning. Meanwhile Carl is to go to Huntington for another check on his ticker.
The comely Kim Mowrey was staying with her mother while recuperating from an appendix surgery. Kim has had it rough, to say the least.
There were over 40 at the Grim family reunion Saturday at the Creston Community Building. The young at heart Vance Grim who now resides at the Elizabeth nursing home got to come and visit with family & friends. He had gone to the Wirt County Fair and got to see Creston people. Last weekend it was the Stutler & Shrader reunion at the building.
May 28 will be the Creston fall ATV Poker Run. There will be some new trail this time. Willing workers are needed Saturday September 21 to do some preliminary work for the new trail. Be at the community building with shovels, mattocks, chain saws, winches & such at 8:30 A. M. In your buggy. In addition to the regular route there will be a “bunny trail” around one section that might be “challenging”.
The deer are now getting their winter coats. Over on Tom’s Run there are two big ten points & down in Sycamore there is a nice 8 point. A fellow noted yesterday that there were two sets of triplets up in Cain’s Run. One local oil pumper got to see Old Brer Bar. Before moving an inch he made sure there were no cubs in tow.
Dry fall weather continues to be the norm around Creston although there is a little water in the runs. Lots of folks were enjoying the clear Little Kanawha at Munday beach. Local residents have been feasting on paw paws which seem to be ripening early this year. It was 41 degrees Fahrenheit the other morning & it was reported that it was just 19 degrees at Canaan Valley. The “so called wise ones” have been claiming “global warming”. Maybe all those new coal fired power plants in China & India caused the temperature to drop.
A local oil well pumper noticed that a nipple on an oil tank was leaking brine. Long story short, Curtis Murphy, who works for Ergon quickly came and emptied the tank, thus avoiding an oil spill.
The $42.6 million settlement in the Jay Bee Oil & Gas class action lawsuit continues to be in the news. Seems they were taking deductions from royalties. If the state folks were for the citizens they would insist that oil & gas leases would be fair & honest so that landowners could receive fair value for world class resources and the counties & state would receive the correct amount of taxes. The legislature refuses to require that meters be checked for accuracy which tells who really calls the shots in W. Va.’s Kleptocracy. The State Senate president was “retired ” in the primary so now there is a chance that real reform can happen to protect & represent the state & its citizens.
Speaking of such, the head man now owes north of $3 million in sales tax that had been collected from patrons at his posh facility. Try that and see how far you get.
One resident of a county to the north of Creston was told by an attorney involved in the suit that his payment from the suit would be over $100,000 but when he got his paperwork he was told that it would only be $8,000. Obviously, matters are not resolved.
It was announced that Warren Buffett who now owns the Cove Point Maryland LNG export facility agreed to pay $61 million annually in lieu of property taxes. Apparently the former owners, the “destitute” Rockefeller family were exempt from taxation – as one wealthy New York woman said – only little people pay taxes. Buffett purchased certain of the Rockefeller assets which were called Hope Gas, Dominion, Consolidated, Columbia, etc.
A few years back Cabot Oil & Gas, a Boston based outfit that started in Calhoun County circa 1900, pulled out of the area and went to north east Pennsylvania to drill dry Marcellus wells with low royalties since the folks there didn’t know they owned world class property. Now Cotera, the outfit that took over Cabot has shut down their drilling program there.
Shenandoah Energy Partners from Highlands Ranch Colorado are now leasing property in Ritchie County. They need to send out better leases.
Cackles, via her surrogates, has now said “She is for fracking.” When one drills oil & gas wells one uses water & additives [like detergent & sand] to break or fracture the rock in the pay zones. Wells have been fracked since the 1950s & before that wells were “shot” usually with nitroglycerine. The VP then hired Camila Thorndike to be her “climate outreach” person. Camila had been the leader in the effort to ban natural gas stoves. As Bernie Sanders said, Cackles has not changed her values but she has to say otherwise to get elected. Seems that some in the deep state would rather just shoot her opponent so she would not have to campaign and try to answer hard questions. Avowed Marxists cannot say what they want to do for they would never win. Just look at Cuba & Venezuela and now Brazil. She has said that she has a problem with the first amendment.
BBU, the oil field clean up folks, are to clean & sterilize a chicken house near Moorefield “for the USDA” for $250,000.
Barb Wright, who is already a bionic woman, is scheduled to have her knee replacement replaced.
The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude dropped to $67.65/bbl. With condensate fetching just $49.65/bbl. and Marcellus & Utica light bringing $56.65/bbl. The Henry Hub price for natural gas was $2.31 while HG received $2.03 from their Marcellus wells in Lewis County.
Clara Ellen Husk, 57, of Grantsville, WV died January 6, 2023, at Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio. She was born on June 20, 1965, in Grantsville, WV, the daughter of the late Abasolum Junior Husk and Emily Jeanne Richards Husk. She is survived by her two daughters, Stephanie (Byron) Richards, Donna Roberts (Brandon Summers), grandson Read More…
CHARLESTON, WV — First Lady Cathy Justice and the West Virginia Department of Education are inviting West Virginia students to participate in a Knighting Bench Design Contest. All 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade students who are public, private, or homeschooled are urged to participate in this Student Artist Series. Last year, the First Lady’s Student Artist Read More…
Mary Kay (Ball) Dalby, 75, passed away unexpectedly sometime between January 3 and 6, 2025, at her home in Alpharetta, GA. She was born on February 21, 1949, to Loraine Virginia (Stump) Ball and George Edward Ball. She grew up in Grantsville, WV, and was graduated from Calhoun County High School in 1967. Mary Kay Read More…