
Creston News Week of September 30th

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church & served Holy Communion.  At other churches in the county the problems continue as a result of the General Conference having decided that Scripture is no longer applicable and there are “new truths”.  Actually it is part of a plan to destroy the church since western civilization & Christianity are not part of the “new world order”.  Kackles and her crew could be said to be for the new world order with one “strong ruler” as prophesized by Daniel long ago.

There were 255 riders at the Creston ATV poler run.  The community would like to thank all who came & rode, those who fixed & served the food, sent out the notices, signed up the riders, set up, marked and took down the trail, those who donated the door prizes, those who worked the check stations, cleaned the buildings, parked the trucks & trailers, sold tickets for the 50/50, quilt, tee shirts, etc.  It was noted that there were lots of helpers in the building and the kitchen ran out of food.  Young Brecklin Smith won the 50/50, John Hall won the quilt while Caleb Hash came in first followed by Charles Wartling & Jake Mason.  Marty Hennen & John Hall discovered that a “he man hole” near Munday beach had no bottom when an irate Chinese farmer came up to complain about messing up his rice paddy.  Others had to be extricated at Macfarlan on the way to Ritchie Mines.  Some hunters were upset when riders rode up Calhoun County Route 2 along Lower Leading Creek noting they had a hunting club & it was opening day of season.  The route went by School House Cave, the Historic Ritchie Mines, the heart of the Burning Springs oil field, the Ruble Church, the Cairo & Kanawha Rail Road and Bear Run.  Mason Propst’s chariot did not make it away from the building and others encountered mechanical difficulties but there were no wrecks and folks reported having a great time.

Last Sunday evening Creston received rain and there has been more gentle rain since putting some clear water in streams.  The rain made for an ideal poker run and saved many trees from dying and changed brown fields to green fields.

The comely Kim Mowrey was visiting her mother. Kim has been having various medical problems.

Heather Cortez was visiting Uncle Charlie and Aunt Rosie White.

Barb Wright is scheduled for knee revision surgery on Tuesday.  Seems her knee replacement wore out.

Last week it was reported that Ricky Tucker suffered a stroke.  Actually it was his brother Randy that had a stroke.

In the item about the death of Ann Bennett it was noted that her grandparents were J. D. & Inza Hopkins.  Her grandmother was Melissa Hopkins.  Melissa’s sister Inza was married to Allen Hopkins, a cousin of J. D.

Baso; “Junior” Brown, age 85, of Cremo passed away.   Burian was in the Wright cemetery.

The federal government behemoth the Tennessee Valley Authority which has all sorts of political power [so it can’t be touched by anyone].  Announced their new 25 year plan.  Historically Marxist outfits have five year plans so supersize.  Big Green is upset as the government agency plants to greatly increase the use of natural gas to generate electric power.

There has been much talk about the hurricane Helene.  Jane Engelke was spared any problems in Bradenton, Florida but her neighbors five miles away on Anna Maria Island were devastated. There was four feet of sand on most of the roads on AMI which had to be plowed like snow.  Meanwhile Anna Engelke Yates who lives in Ashville, NC is without power, water, cell service and other necessities.  Anna and Adam are safe but there is no way in or out of Asheville at this time. Many of the roads have been covered with downed trees, mud and rock slides, high water or just plain destroyed. 

Royal Dutch Shell announced that they have walked away from the much hyped blue hydrogen project which is/was part of the Biden/Harris “green new deal”.

CNX, part of the Rockefeller oil & gas operations had a third party person monitor all their operations in SW Pennsylvania and found that no noxious or hazardous substances were emitted.  It was said that the “Big Green” folks were not at all happy.

Ted Grim was calling on Eddie Norman.

Toby Rice the head honcho of EQT announced that the company is now going to open up the wells they had shut in because of the low natural gas prices.  The Henry Hub price rose to $2.90 but gas sold locally fetched just $1.43.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil fell to $67.18/bbl. With condensate fetching only $49.18/bbl while Marcellus & Utica light brought $56.18/bbl.


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