Guest Writers News

Creston News: Weighing In on Matters from Creston to Canada

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

Carolyn “June” Goff Greenwalt, age 71, of Walker passed away.  She was the daughter of William & Edna Gay Ruble Goff who formerly lived in Creston.

According to CDC data “bad batches” [4 to 5%] of Pfizer & Moderna vaccines caused a disproportionate part of bad results & deaths from taking the drugs.  There are lots of questions that need to be answered and many do not want such questions asked, let alone answered honestly and truthfully.  That is why the powers that be hate & fear Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  They can call him names but he has data.

W. Harrison Schenerlein IV was checking out four wheelers & side by sides while visiting in Creston.  He, along with Greg, Cash & Colton went berry picking while Colton consumed a disproportionate part of the harvest.  There were enough berries left to make a cobbler.  Harrison also visited with his cousin Vincenzo Guice.

Debbie Griffin has been battling an ear infection.

The Creston area continues to have rain and there were two significant power outages in less than a week.  With the closure of power plants such will likely become routine.

Jane Engelke, daughter Rea, Alvin Engelke, Greg, Cash & Colton Lockas took a trip up in the mountains to visit Dolly Sods, Blackwater Falls, Smoke Hole Caverns, Seneca Rocks and the New River & New River Gorge bridge.  They also checked out the largest gas fractionation plant on the planet and Fort New Salem.  After climbing Seneca Rocks they were talking with fellow [who was along at the same time] that such was impressive.  The man then noted that as we speak, my wife is in darkest Africa with a team that is climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, a 19,000 peak that has snow on the top [in spite of global warming claims].

The Canadian rulers have said that they are going to let the forest fires burn there on up into August as, apparently, there is no pollution of release of CO2.  Some feared that the Cass scenic railroad might be shut down because the old shay engines burn coal [oh the horrors].  Speaking of pollution John Kerry [Hanoi Jane Fondu’s buddy] was trying to impress folks in a hearing in congress and he got smacked down by trying to “cherry pick” data from the past.  The haughty Kerry said the questions were not serious and the response was that no one took him for being sincere or serious and the hearing broke out in laughter.

The State of Virginia is going to exit the RGGI [Regional Green House Gas Initiative] for taxing carbon, a scheme by those who claim to be protecting the planet to save it for China to exploit.

One of the big drilling companies sent out a lease that said the royalty would be based on the well head price of the natural gas.  Such is a fiction as the natural gas is now sold downstream after the components are extracted and all sold separately.  It would seem that when firms own legislators one might assume that the residents are unable to read and comprehend.

We wuz told, “Pass the silly bill and you’ll get the Mountain Valley Pipeline built for EQT to send the natural gas away instead of using it here to make things, provide jobs and generate wealth locally. ” Well, the bill is now law and the federal courts have once again stopped construction of the pipeline.  It might also be noted that a certain Creston resident has ocean front property for sale in Spring Valley — a special deal just for you.

Exxon/Mobil the Rockefeller family flagship company announced that they have purchased Denbury, a “carbon capture” company for $4.9 billion.  Along those lines the global warming folks are unhappy that the “peasants” have not believed the charts & graphs [like the hockey stick] that were said to be “science”.  The new approach is to use “fine art” to make the charts & graphs “look prettier”.  As they said, “dumb folks fall for pretty pictures every time”.  Studies have shown that the current warm period that started in AD 1650 has yet to get as warm as it was during Roman times.  Who knew those folks used fossil fuels and drove around in monster trucks, etc.

Cackling Camala Harris said out loud what was the obvious plan all along that population control was needed to fight “climate change”.  If such be the case, who goes first?

The Creston ATV poker run is July 29.  At present the route is a mystery as rain has caused some high water.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude is $74.42/bbl. with condensate, formerly called Appalachian light sweet fetched $58.42/bbl.  Marcellus & Utica light brought $65.42 while medium was $74.42/bbl.
