The information for this article came from, a national database offering detailed profiles of over 136,000 public and private schools across the US, featuring enrollment data, test scores, and financial statistics. Their most recent update does not paint Calhoun Middle High School in a favorable light and should have the community taking a long look at why Calhoun Middle High School ranks 112th out of 112 in the State.
Calhoun Middle/High School serves grades 5-12 with a total enrollment of 524 students. The district, which is ranked 39 out of 55 districts in the state received a 2-star rating from SchoolDigger.
Of course, School Digger is not the end all determination of where families should send their children to school, but, for those who have no choice it’s disheartening. And for those who do have a choice, the financial impact on Calhoun County could be immense.
For those in the County who depend on the Calhoun Middle High School to educate their children, this should be the final straw where you sit idle and allow this to happen, while the School Board room sits empty of parent involvement.
According to the data commentary Calhoun Middle/High School faces significant academic and demographic challenges. The school has a student population that is overwhelmingly white (98.66%) and lacks diversity, with very low representation of minority students.
While I (Shari Johnson, Ridgeview News Publisher) am by no means an authority on education, you’ll forgive me if I don’t allow the educated to convince me that because we are 98.66% white, that’s a cause of poor test grades. In the past Calhoun County Schools has produced doctors, nurses, attorneys, scientists, writers and countless successful people. Let’s not allow our children to be labeled by statists but let’s get to the bottom of the real cause.
Academically, the school consistently ranks in the bottom half of West Virginia high schools, with a 0-star rating from SchoolDigger. Proficiency rates on state assessments are significantly below state averages, particularly for male students, white students, and students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. The school’s spending per student, at $11,621, is lower than the state average and lower than nearby Gilmer County High School ($15,180) and Roane County High ($11,042). Gilmer County ranks 97th, while Roane County Ranks 20th in 112. Although Calhoun’s spending is low, Roane County’s per student spending is lower. This would make the argument that how the funds are spent may be more of an issue than how much.
The declining performance of Calhoun Middle/High School is concerning, with the school’s ranking dropping from 57 out of 117 West Virginia high schools in 2014-2015 to 112 out of 112 in 2023-2024. School Digger stated that the school’s high percentage of students from low-income families (52.94% receiving free or reduced-price lunch) likely contributes to these academic challenges. They also said that compared to nearby schools, Calhoun Middle/High School appears to be facing unique obstacles that are not present in the surrounding Roane County Schools and Gilmer County Schools, suggesting the need for targeted interventions and support to improve student outcomes.
2024 Test Scores – % That Met Standard
- WV Assessment Mathematics
- CMHS 5th Grade – 35%
- West Virginia 5th Grade – 39.1%
- WV Assessment English
- CMHS 5th Grade -40.7%
- WV 5th Grade – 45.3%
- WV Assessment Science
- CMHS 5th Grade – 26.7%
- WV 5th Grade – 32.3%
- WV Assessment Mathematics
- CMHS 6th Grade – 11.7%
- WV 6th Grade – 30.9%
- WV Assessment English
- CMHS 6th Grade – 36.7%
- WV 6th Grade – 44.5%
- No Science reported
- WV Assessment Mathematics
- CMHS 7th Grade – 16.4%
- WV 7th Grade – 32.2%
- WV Assessment English
- CMHS 7th Grade – 26.2%
- WV 7th Grade – 41.6%
- No Science Reported
- WV Assessment Mathematics
- CMHS 8th Grade – 18.5%
- WV 8th Grade – 28.7%
- WV Assessment English
- CMHS 8th Grade – 37.0%
- WV 8th Grade – 41.1%
- WV Assessment Science
- CMHS 8th Grade – 27.8%
- WV 8th Grade – 26.2%
- WV Assessment Mathematics
- CMHS 11th Grade – 6%
- WV 11th Grade – 17.9%
- WV Assessment English
- CMHS 11th Grade – 25.8%
- WV 11th Grade – 50.8%
- WV Assessment Science
- CMHS 11th Grade – 9.9%
- WV 11th Grade – 27.5%