News Schools

Dr. Manchin Visits Calhoun Middle High School

Dr. Mark A. Manchin, Glenville State University President, and his team visited CMHS on Monday, October 3, 2022. Dr. Manchin took the time to encourage students to follow their dreams with hard work and education.
Dr. Connie O’Dell and Rachel Clutter took the opportunity to share information about Dual Credit courses that CMHS offers in partnership with GSU.

GSU offers various pathways, such as; the Home Grown program, the Grow Your Own program, and the Natural Resources program. These will allow students to graduate high school with an Associate’s Degree. There are several benefits to completing the Associate degree while in high school, not the least of which is cost effectiveness.

Glenville State University and CMHS are proud to share the accomplishments of Miss Jaelyn Jett, who will be the first CMHS student to graduate with her Associate’s Degree. We are so proud of her and we are sure that she won’t be the last!