Health News

Essential Oils and Every Day Struggles

The use off essential oils to improve health and wellbeing dates back thousands of years. It’s not as if it’s a new concept. It is however a very questioned concept by the medical industry. I am of the opinion that “some” of that is derived from the pharmaceutical side which makes billions off of medical patients. In their defense, the medical evidence for the results of essential oils is limited and although there have been scientific studies, many are non conclusive. 

My knowledge of essential oils comes from personal experience and the research provided by the company for which I purchase my oils. I’ve read a number of books by essential oil enthusiasts as well as Doctors who make it their life’s passion to share the successes of essential oil uses through aromatherapy and topical applications. I know the success I’ve had… I don’t mind telling people, but I wouldn’t even consider telling anyone that it will do the same for them. Just as medications do not always work for every person, neither will essential oils. But the reason for my use of essential oils is that it’s an all natural, non chemical way of treatment that for me has had results. 

I am often shocked myself! Just this week I was suffering from stress induced anxiety. I am a heart attack survivor and had open heart surgery in May of 2018. Stress isn’t good or me. I continue to take my prescribed medicines primarily because I’ve been told they’re required or me to live. But those medicine do not reduce nor help the stress and the effects of it. But a spray bottle with a 4 tablespoons of witch hazel,4 tablespoons o distilled water and  a few drops each of bergamot and timber oils sprayed on my bed linens as I lay down, surrounded my senses with a musky scent of citrus and wood, calming my nerves and allowing me to drift off into a really good night’s sleep. 

Another (almost daily) go to for me is Frankinsense. I mix a few drops of it with  fractionated coconut oil in a 10 ml roller bottle and roll, then massage it into my aching knee joint for quick relief. I also add peppermint or eucalyptus for a cooling sensation that works wells. 

Another incident last week with a food that didn’t set well in my belly causing nausea was eliminated with a douse of ginger rubbed directly into my abdomen and in no time at all the nausea was gone! 

I’ve slowly began to replace household cleaning agents that are filled with harmful chemicals with homemade cleansers. Some have worked well, some have worked amazing!!! One of my favorite scents for cleaning is Bergamot. I use it with an all natural cleaning tablet added to a 16 oz spray bottle of distilled water. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that in addition to the cleaning power of the tablet, bergamot was discovered to be a very good antibacterial oil. Cleaning the surfaces in my home causes less worry and creates an wonderful scent. 

If you’d like to experience essential oils, schedule an appointment for a scent experience or call me at 304-377-6036 for information.

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