Community Events News

Farmers Market at Wayne Underwood Field Today

The Farmers Market will open at 9:00 a.m. at the Wayne Underwood Field in Grantsville, today, August 11.

Looking for a way to get your kids to eat their veggies. Try a trip to the farmers market! Its a great way to get kids interested in trying new foods and understanding where food comes from. While choosing produce over chips wont likely work all the time, allowing them to meet the farmers and select their goodness just may help.

Shopping at a farmers market also means shopping seasonally, which makes us more aware of sustainability. It’s great for kids to start to understand that, in much of the country, strawberries are around in May and June, peaches and plums are available in mid-summer, and once apples start rolling in, fall is on the horizon. It gives all of us an appreciation for the bounty of the moment. A fresh ear of corn tastes all the sweeter in August because its availability is fleeting.

So hurry down to the field for your farm fresh goodies before they’re gone!