In a complaint filed by Trooper Brian Young of the West Virginia State Police, he stated that on the morning of Sunday, December 18, 2022, between the hours of midnight and 6:30 a.m., the accused, Edward Fields, did break and enter the outbuilding, located at 4033 Arnoldsburg Rd., Arnoldsburg, Calhoun County, WV, by force, and commit the larceny of one (1) red ni color. 2007 Honda 420 Rancher ATV, with the value of $3500, of the victim, Robert Randolph, with the intent of depriving the victim of permanent use of said vehicle.
The accused was working for the victim prior to this event and was doing repairs on the same vehicle. When the accused failed to come to work repeatedly, the victim fired the accused the day prior to the ATV being stolen. The original investigating had listed the accused as the suspect in the original investigation and attempted ot locate the ATV in the area during that time.
March 20, 2024, this Trooper Young located and identified the same ATV located in the front yard belonging to the accused. The ATV had been spray painted green and partly covered by a tarp. The sole occupant of the residence stated the accused had been the one who acquired the ATV approximately a year prior to the recovery. No bill of sale or titles could be produced.
Edward fields has been charged with Grand Larceny and Entering a building other than a dwelling. He was arraigned and released on a $20,000 property surety bond in the Magistrate Court of Calhoun County.
§61-3-13 (a). Grand larceny ; and §61-3-12. Entry of building other than dwelling;
The code of the State of WV states that (a) If a person commits simple larceny of goods or chattels of the value of $1,000 or more, such person is guilty of a felony, designated grand larceny, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than one nor more than ten years, or, in the discretion of the court, be confined in jail not more than one year and shall be fined not more than $2,500.
§61-3-12. Entry of building other than dwelling
fI any person shall, at any time, break and enter, or shall enter without breaking, any office, shop, storehouse, warehouse, banking house, or any house or building, other than a dwelling house or outhouse adjoining thereto or occupied therewith, any railroad or traction car, propelled by steam, electricity or otherwise, any steamboat or other boat or vessel, or any commercial, industrial or public utility property enclosed by a fence, wall, or other structure erected with the intent of the property owner of protecting or securing the area within and its contents from unauthorized persons, within the jurisdiction of any county in this state, with intent to commit a felony or
any larceny, he or she shall be deemed guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be confined ni a state correctional facility not less than one nor more than 10 years. And fi any person shall, at any time, break and enter, or shal enter without breaking, any automobile, motorcar, or bus, with like intent, within the jurisdiction of any county in this state, he or she shall be guilty of amisdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be confined ni jail not less than two nor more than 12 months and be fined not exceeding $100.