There has been many conversations since the inception of the Calhoun County Community Center Pool came to be and the project came into view. Most of those conversations came from excited youth and parents who look forward to once again having the opportunity to have a local pool like that which created many happy memories for those of us who grew up in Calhoun County. But there has also been a conversation brewing since the beginning about the flood zone and how that affects this new venture for President of the 1982 Foundation, Crystal Mersh.
Because I know her to be a very shrewd and successful business lady, her comment about so many people being concerned didn’t shock me. She stated simply “Why is it anyone’s business?” That’s a good question. Robin and Crystal Mersh have invested themselves over $2,000,000 dollars in this and other projects in Calhoun County. They did not enter this development of the School Property blind to the risks, but rather chose to focus on the vision and potential. At every step of development she has made sure they were above board with regards to research, policies, permits and all other facets of the construction.
As for the pool being in the flood zone, the Mersh’s invested $30,000 through Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. an engineering and environmental consulting firm consistently ranked among the top firms on Engineering News-Record’s annual lists of the Top Design Firms and Top Environmental Firms. CEC conducted a topographical study of the area with regards to flooding and it was determined that the school was not in the flood zone. Yet memories of local citizens recall a time in 1967 when it was said that the waters of the Little Kanawha River were in the bottom floor of the high school. Which may or may not be true, I personally have no confirmation either way. I’m going to assume it’s true for arguments sake.
So how does that allow for the school to now be “out of the floodplain?”
There’s been a lot of changes since 1967. Multiple fills on Route 5 east have changed the flow of the river. One dramatic change that has effected the Little Kanawha River and area flooding was the building of the Burnsville Dam. The Burnsville Lake project was begun in the summer of 1972 and the dam was completed in September 1976. Nine years after the devastation of the 1967 flood waters in Calhoun. With the dams ability to hold back water, the land fills throughout Gilmer and Calhoun County and other changes in the banks of the Little Kanawha River the flood zone changed. It’s not to say there is 0% change of flooding. God alone controls the weather.
An addition to the snack bar, which will be the new pool house, was the building permits for which Crystal was putting in for a permit through the Town of Grantsville. That building will be made of block that flood waters would likely not damage. The pool has pumps that will be elevated or can be removed as the flood water rises as well as other portions of the equipment. The pool would then be drained and sterilized following the flooding should it occur. The architectural firm hired by the Mersh’s has taken all of this into consideration when designing the pool.
But the bottom line is this. Robin and Crystal Mersh own the former Calhoun County High School. The 1982 Foundation was created as a 501c3, non profit organization for the furtherance of this project for the people of Calhoun to enjoy. It is their insurance policy that will be affected. Our only responsibility as a community is to enjoy it and perhaps show a little gratitude.

Ppl just will not leave it alone & accept its gonna happen. It is gonna happen so give it a rest ppl & get your negative selves out of the way..
If I need to go to Robin,Crystal’s Mershs property to pick up sticks,before that pool goes in,I will be there to do the most I’m able to do.
Get off your high horse get out & help go to a meeting see how your tax dollars are being wasted or better yet get out,go vote 3/4 of the county won’t even do that. Stop the jealousy,give up control you’ve lost it.
Well said Shari, I love this. I am so confused as to why this keeps happening to them. It is in fact their property, their insurance and indeed their money. Why does it matter to anyone but them?
To put a pool in the flood plane is not a good investment in my mind, when it floods, and it will, the pool pumps and filters will be damaged. Wasn’t the city pool closed because it flooded? Why not put the pool next to the gym if there’s room?
Where is all the baseball games going to be played?
Tony……the pumps and filters will be placed up out of the plane. This is part of the design. The baseball will be maintained, and I offered to build 3 news ones at the county park but there is no interest. The pool cannot be beside the building as that is where the Children’s Learning Center is. As far as an investment goes….the is far from an investment. lol
The Calhoun pool was closed because it was old and had leaks costing a lot of money. This was the case with other pools built in the 60s also.
It was and interestingly enough during a chat with Senator Capito…..she told me that she had secured money to save the pool and could not even get people in Calhoun to call her back. I thought my head would explode when she told me that.
You better listen to Bill Bailey, I saw the flood of 1967 & 1985 the acid in the river water will eventually ruin a cement building, it will peel the paint and pot mark the floor and walls. Go ahead and spend your money.
I worked disaster relief in some of the flooded towns in WV . Go visit them.