LeAnn Wright posted pictures on Social Media Friday evening around 6 p.m. of high waters nearing their home along 33/119 Arnoldsburg Road. Additional posts were made on the “Road Conditions in Roane and Calhoun” Facebook Page, as well as the Calhoun County Connector. Both excellent sites for local updates. Sarah stated that this was a Read More…
The 1982 Foundation met at the Calhoun County Library for Spring Fling planning and updates on the current status of the multiple events to be held the weekend of April 15th-16th, 2022. Below are printable flyers and applications for the event.
Spring like weather continues in Creston with lots of spring flowers. Mary Shaw’s pink magnolia and Pat Shaw’s pink magnolia were both spectacular and down in the Mineral Wells section and along I-77 south the ornamental pears are impressive. The himultiflora rose and other invasive species are out in leaf. Red buds, where not cut Read More…