Is your water bill costing you more than you like to pay? Would you like to recycle the rainwater that freely falls in your landscape? Have you priced the cost of rain barrels lately? If you said yes to any of these questions, this workshop is for you!
Participants will help assemble rain barrel out of 55-gallon plastic drum at this hands-on workshop, hosted by the WVU-Roane County Extension Master Gardener Volunteers and the Roane County Solid Waste Authority on Saturday, April 27 at noon at the Roane County Recycling Center on Oak Drive, Spencer, WV.
The workshop is free, but the first ten participants can obtain a rain barrel for a $25 fee, much less than what prefabricated rain barrels cost. Participants will pay the day of class, so participants are encouraged to arrive a few minutes early. Cash, check, or money order will be accepted; but no credit or debit cards accepted. The exact amount is request, as change will not be available on site.
Space is limited and registration is required by Friday, April 26. To register or for more information, contact the WVU Roane County Extension Office at 304-927-0975 or email roanecountyextension@mail.wvu.edu.