Guest Writers News

Fun in HAM Radio

Making contacts to far away and unique Countries is a lot of fun. Talking locally to friends and neighbors can be a lot of fun. That is just the tip of the iceberg in HAM radio.

HAM fest’s and Conventions, are gatherings of HAM radio enthusiasts, are a lot of fun. There are local, State and national HAM fest almost year round.

There are many ways to communicate using the computer. Free programs allow keyboard to keyboard communication over HF (High Frequency) Bands. There are many programs that allow contacts in various ways. Technology in HAM radio is expanding almost every day. HAM radio can be as simple as a radio and a wire or involve computers and technology. The only limit to HAM radio is ones imagination and possibly budget.

There are events that get the radio operator outside away from the shack (radio location) Every June is the ARRL field day. Thousands of Operators go outdoors and operate their radios using batteries, solar panels, generators anything except grid power. This event was conceived so that the operators know they can operate without power in the event of an emergency. It has grown into a contest offering certificates and trophies for those who make great numbers of contacts. It is also a time for gatherings of friends and family and a time to introduce the public to HAM radio. Many clubs put on events that allow the public to join in, use the radios and enjoy they day. The Parkersburg Amateur Radio Klub holds field day at Fort Borman Park. They have radios, computers with a wide representation of the Amateur radio world. They even use the big flagpole as an antenna while operating.

Find more information at,,

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio. WWFF, Worldwide Flora and Fauna in Amateur Radio, is encouraging licensed ham radio operators to leave their shacks and go outside operating portable in Protected Flora&Fauna areas (PFF) all over the world. More than 26.000 Protected Flora&Fauna (PFF) areas, world wide are already registered in our WWFF Directory. Hunters and Activators can apply for colorful awards, globally and nationally.

Find more information at

Contact can be made through Satellites orbiting the earth. Find more information at

HAMs can talk to the ISS (International Space Station as well.

My XYL, (Wife) KF4JVR and I, KF4BZY enjoy Parks On The Air activations. There are hundreds if not thousands of National Parks and Wildlife Management areas in the US and around the world registered with POTA. We take our radio, battery and antenna to a park and make contacts with other amateurs around the world. Once on the air there are a lot of HAMs trying to contact us. There are awards for contacts with other HAMs, with others in Parks, known as a PtoP (Park to Park) contact. Some go to a park and set up elaborate stations and stay for days making hundreds of contacts. Some, like us, go with minimal equipment and set up for just a few hours. Like so many things in HAM radio it is what you want it to be, if you enjoy it, it works. Contact with ten other operators counts as an activation. Contacts are uploaded to a website and are automatically registered and awards applied. Ham’s who activate Parks are called “Activators” those who stay home and contact the park are Hunters, there are awards for both Activators and Hunters. Find more information at

Throughout the year there are many “special event stations” on the air. Hams set their stations up at festivals, on battle ships, Submarines, Racetracks and countless other events.
I have just scratched the surface of HAM radio here. The options are almost limitless squelched only by one’s imagination.

I hope this sparks an interest in the Hobby!

KF4BZY Barry A Miller.
