
Gas, Grocery, and American Guts. That’s what it’s going to take to change the Country

Shari Johnson/Publisher/Opinion

Four days ago President Biden said in a news report that “more Americans feel financially comfortable than they have since 2013.” Who exactly are they polling? Perhaps the House and Senate, Supreme Court Justices. Yes, I’ll bet they do feel financially comfortable. But I can’t imagine many of us would say that.

From the whitehouse.gov website on June 3rd, President Biden said “The Job market is the strongest it’s been since just after World War Two.  We’ve got more evidence of that today.  We learned that in May the economy added another 390,000 new jobs, bringing the total since I took office to 8.7 million new jobs — an all-time record.”

But what they don’t bother to tell you is it’s likely because nobody has been  working since the pandemic. They shut everyone down. When I hear Biden say, “I understand,” I want to shout loud enough for him to hear me from West Virginia, “No you don’t.” You cannot possibly understand because you have never in your life been poor. 

According to the leadership of Washington D.C. this is how they are transitioning us away from fossil fuels, (coal, oil, gas)  to make us a greener planet so that we can all own electric cars by 2030. Which one of us in Calhoun County can afford the new electric car, and will we be able to hire them to drive us to the market or the doctor’s office when we need to go? Of course I’m being a tad snarky and unprofessional, but those fossil fuels, happens to be what runs much of America and most assuredly the State of West Virginia. And they want them gone.

They’re using ESG to do it. What is ESG? Environmental, Social, and Governance Criteria. It’s a set of standards that people outside our realm of reality have set to screen business and investments. They consider if a company safeguards the environment (by their guidelines of course). They then consider if you’re hiring the “right” people for the job. Then they look at your pay scales and see if the “right people” are making the “right money.” Whether or not it’s within your budget. And if that business happens not to line up with their criteria, that business doesn’t get funding, or loans. And they’re then forced to stop looking at gasoline, coal or oil and turn their focus to green energy. So those in control can make the green… and control who else does. Does that sound like a conspiracy theory? Look any of the information up, it’s all there in black and white and a million shades of gray to cover up what they don’t want you to know.  

How is that effecting us? Take a look at today’s regular gas prices in Calhoun County:

Kwik Stop – $5.03

ParMar – $5.09

Holbert’s Store –  $4.99

Bakers Mart – $5.15

Cha-tis – $5.19

Below is a banner I created using AAA’s data and a map of the 2020 election results. When I found the AAA map, I had to redo it because the red and blue colors were reversed. Making it look like the “blue” states had lower gas prices. That was a little misleading to me. Evening though I’m sure it’s my theories again overthinking color schemes. It was the colors that caused me to look up the democrat and republican map, just out of curiosity. I was a little more than surprised to see that it matched up very well! But in reverse color.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the States where the prices are already high, will be states that are an easy sell to get rid of fossil fuels. I could be wrong. I have been before.

When I spoke with Ray Holbert of Holbert’s store I could sense the frustration in his voice. High gas prices doesn’t mean more money in his pocket. It more often than not means less. He also knows his customer base. He knows they can’t afford the price and it comes down to putting gas in the tank or food on the table. And it’s Mr. Holbert that looks at the faces of the suffering people, not Washington DC

According to the USDA Inflation rates have increased 22-33% on food. This is no doubt because of the direct effect fuel is having on the cost of  transport and production. 

We cannot wait until 2030 to make a change. The change needs to happen now and the American people need to contact every representative they can on a National level until the phone lines are tied up with with people who are fed up. 

This is not a red and blue problem, it’s a Red, white and blue problem. We as Americans need to take care of one another. Are you financially comfortable? If you’re not, start making a difference locally by knowing what’s going on in our county government. And then continue up the ladder to the federal level by sending letters and making calls. #standstrongAmerica #AmericaRunsonFossilfuel #RidgeviewNewsCares

One Reply to “Gas, Grocery, and American Guts. That’s what it’s going to take to change the Country

  1. If the American people don’t start standing up for things we believe in and fight for those things when we vote we need to get the right people in office. I’m ashamed of my country now…President Biden is destroying everything that was good when Trump was in office. Other countries are laughing at the United States. We need to God back in our country.

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