Guest Writers

Gaylen’s SOTU Commentary

I do not like Joe Biden. I never have. I never will.

I have no respect for him. I think he is an arrogant lying, bullying buffoon.

The office he stole – President of The United States of America – yes, I have respect for the office. But that does not mean I have to respect or like the man holding the office.

I don’t like or respect Joe Biden, but I do like and respect the office of president and I can tell and differentiate between the two and unless you can you will have no idea what I am saying and talking about.

But on this one I am right and not the right-wing nut some of you may think I am. I hope you can understand what I am saying.

The office of President of the United States is the highest and most powerful office in the world which makes the man holding the office the same – the most powerful person in the world. And, as such, he needs to be the leader of the country and as such he needs to lead all the country and foment a healing touch for everyone.

Great leaders such as Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, Dwight Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy did a great job of fulfilling the office. Even average leaders such as George Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter did a good job. Even Barrack Obama who didn’t much like rural America was tolerable with nothing overly positive but nothing overly negative either.

On the other hand, Biden’s State of the Union address showed him as he truly was a small and hateful man spewing venom toward half of the nation that does not agree with him politically.

It was a speech of hate. Not tinged with hate but totally hate filled.

America deserves better than this little hate filled man and the quicker he is removed from the highest office in the world the better. He is so far below even the lowest level for the job.

This is the oath taken by the President of the United States: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Not only has this angry little man not defended the Constitution its doubtful he even knows what the Constitution is or what it says and what it means. Instead, he has attacked it while trying to turn our country into a communist dictatorship with him and his cabal of thieves as the dictators. It’s awful and it will get no better as long as the hateful little man lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., in Washington, D.C. 

How bad was Biden’s State of the Union speech?

This is from a very liberal and pro democrat organization. In other words, it is usually on his side. But here are the findings:

  • Biden boasted that under his leadership “wages keep going up.” But over the entirety of Biden’s presidency, wages are down when adjusted for inflation.
  • Biden claimed that the more recent U.S. inflation rate of about 3% is the “lowest in the world!” But several nations reported lower rates than the U.S. in December.
  • He again claimed to have “cut the federal deficit by over one trillion dollars” — although declining deficits have mostly been the result of expiring emergency pandemic spending.
  • Biden said he had created a “record” 15 million new jobs. His 14.8 million new jobs is a record for any president in the first three years, but it’s not the highest job growth rate that any president has achieved in that period of time.
  • He suggested that “many” of the new jobs in U.S. semiconductor factories will be “paying $100,000 a year and don’t require a college degree.” But an industry trade group previously reported that only workers with bachelor’s or graduate degrees make that much.
  • Biden said that, “My policies have attracted $650 billion in private sector investment in clean energy [and] advanced manufacturing.” Those are announcements about intentions to invest, not actual investments.
  • Biden highlighted recent decreases in murder and violent crime rates, but neglected to mention that they are still coming down from their pandemic peak.
  • Biden omitted context of a Trump comment following an Iowa school shooting.
  • The president said billionaires pay an average federal tax rate of only 8.2%, but that’s a White House calculation that includes earnings on unsold stock as income.
  • Biden said that because of the Affordable Care Act, over 100 million people can no longer be denied health insurance due to preexisting conditions. But pre-ACA, employer plans covered many of those people and couldn’t deny policies.
  • Biden said he was “cutting our carbon emissions in half by 2030.” That’s the U.S. goal, relative to 2005 emissions, but studies suggest current policies will not reduce emissions by that much.

What this quick synopsis, as convoluted as it seems means, is that Biden treated the truth like it was a hand grenade and he didn’t know what to do with it. In other words, he lied – a lot.

He started the speech talking about the Ukraine and then went into comparing his “predecessor” (Donald Trump) to Adolf Hitler and Trump supporters (you and me) to Nazis.

So much for any pretense of uniting the country.

He was interrupted a couple of times by hecklers – one was a father whose son was killed in Biden’s retreat from Afghanistan (the father was arrested and taken away) and another time by a Republican congresswoman who wanted him (Biden) to mention the name Laken Riley which he muffed up calling the person Lincoln Riley. She was a Georgia nurse killed by an illegal alien. 

Amazingly Biden intimated he had nothing to do with the murder and the next day the lying liberal “mainstream” media was more upset over Biden referring to the accused murdered as an “illegal” alien instead of an “undocumented” alien. That’s what upset the MSM and Biden supporters?

I will admit on thing Biden’s hate filled SOTU speech did one thing and that was to wake up all the people who do not support him and fill them with a resolve to make sure he does not win re-election because if he did it would be so very dangerous to the survival of this country as a free republic and democracy.

We cannot withstand four more years of the hate filled Biden and his communist/socialist supporters.

My earthly race, just like Biden’s and Trump’s is almost run and how Americans vote this November will not have an ultra-long-term effect on me.

But it will my children and grandchildren and great grandchildren and I would like to see them enjoy the freedoms of America and the fruits of their labors. To them this election is so important.

So I ask please and pray that we are smart enough to send this little hate filled man to the ashbin of history where he belongs and I hope to God we never have a want to be dictator like him again.

Until next time stay safe but don’t live life in a bubble.
