Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. Jerry Duskey, age 71, of Burning Springs was killed in a car wreck on Elizabeth hill. He was buried Sunday in the Wright cemetery. In his younger years he worked for the WEVA Oil company. He is survived by his wife, Read More…
The Calhoun County Republican Executive Committee will be meeting in the Little Courtroom at the Calhoun County Courthouse on Tuesday, January, 17, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.
This is a great idea. Everyone should be aware of who their prosecutor is and what they will do for the community to keep it safe. The prosecutor is the gate tender to the Courts. Bail? The prosecutor makes recommendations to the Judge. Charges? The prosecutor takes cases to the Grand Jury. Pleas? The prosecutor makes plea offers. Sentencing? The prosecutor makes recommendations to the court. Our community isn’t safe with a weak, inexperienced or lazy prosecutor. It is critical to your safety and mine that our prosecutor is strong, experienced and unafraid. Ask those questions over coffee. You will get answers. One thing I can guarantee you won’t get is an after hours phone number that you can call so that you can influence sentencing recommendations!