Guest Writers News

Government “Experts” are Regulating, Educating and Contemplating how to control the People

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

Barbara Wright came down with walking pneumonia.  Bill Duskey reported that no more cancer was found in him and that he did not have to report back to the medical folks for three months.

Clara Husk, age 57, of Grantsville passed away.  Her father, the late Ab Husk, played music at Creston & his family came with him.  Clara & her siblings kept in contact with Creston folks.

Folks motoring to Parkersburg were held up by the Michigan tree trimming/butchering firm working along W. Va. 14.  No doubt some of the fine folks in Building 5 [where the state road is headquartered] got trips to Myrtle Beach or wherever the “beautiful people” go.  All of the road maintenance has now been done and there is money left over just to spend doing “canopy clearing”.

Marty deVries & Leon Jurasik installed a new double door at the Creston Food Pantry.

Timothy Joe dePue, age 56, of Parkersburg passed away.  He was the son of Benjamin “Buck” & Eloise dePue.

The other day Creston had a thunderstorm and roads around Mineral Wells were covered with hail.  Then Friday night it cooled down and Creston was covered with snow  — nothing unusual as it happens every winter.  Some local folks spent quality time sitting in front of wood fireplaces watching the fire and feeling the radiant heat coming from the fire.

Mike Shaver, owner of Mountain V, announced that the company plans to drill a horizontal well in Henry District of Clay County.  The firm also has plans for a second horizontal oil & gas well in Gilmer County.

The CPSC [Consumer Product Safety Commission] is contemplating the abolition of natural gas stoves for heating and cooking nationwide according to Bloomberg News.  Several years ago this was proposed and one local resident went to D. C. to testify against the scheme.  Richard Trumka, Jr. [son of the union boss], a CPSC commissioner said, “Any option is on the table.  Products that cannot be made safe can be banned.”  The EPA & the WHO [world Health Organization] have declared that gas stoves cause sickness, cardiovascular issues & cancer.  Sen. Cory Booker [an expert is science, no doubt] stated that the stove disproportionally affected minority & low income households.  Of course,many in and around Creston heat & cook with natural gas,  The State of Ohio recently passed a law that noted natural gas was “green energy”.  Firewood would be too as more grows every year.  Some noted that the ban was an attack on those who cook with woks or who are on Tee Vee cooking shows.  Some noted that articles about “bad indoor air” came out all over the western world & Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum or the new world order was very concerned about “indoor air quality” and such needed to be regulated.  A company from communist China came out with a new smart air monitoring device.  Some feel, well we can compromise, you can keep your cookstove but you must install this monitor in your home so we can be sure that your air is healthy since presently it is not regulated.  The folks in Colorado who allowed “smart meters” to be installed learned that the government can turn them off whenever and not when it fits your schedule.

More reports are coming about the bad side effects of the Wuhan Kung Flu vaccines like the reports of healthy athletes keeling over dead,  the increased mortality rates, etc.  Now the government agencies are trying to cover their buts and protect Pfizer, Moderna, and others.  From the reports on the Twitter files we have learned how science and the facts were not made available so people made or were ordered to make bad choices.  The drug companies, their friends in the government agencies that were supposed to protect us and the fake media kept “bad” data hid.  Now, we are told by those folks that censorship is necessary to “protect democracy”.

Postage takes another jump next week so lay in a supply of stamps.  Presently it costs just 60 cents to mail a letter that used to cost 3 cents.  Those who claim that there is no inflation are absolute strangers to truth.

Bill Gates & Broadway Joe had a campaign event down at the Mouth of the Elk touting the wonders of the “Inflation Reduction Act”.  Gates is, so it is said, going to fund a battery plant in Wierton and is involved in a nuclear plant at the site of an old coal plant in Kemmner Wyoming, the location of Fossil Butte National Monument.

TLC Specialties, a subsidiary of India based Thirumaloi Chemicals LTD announced that they plan to build a $150 million plant in Marshall County to utilize natural gas liquids coming from Marcellus wells in W. Va.

TC Energy, formerly called TransCanada or Columbia Gas announced that they are purchasing two liquid hydrogen units which would be used to ship hydrogen in liquid form.  Pennsylvania’s & West Virginia’s hydrogen hubs have been approved by the feds but the peasants are not to know the details.  The W. Va. project is joint with Ohio & Kentucky.  One takes methane and then makes hydrogen and this “protects the environment”.  One should be sure to view the video of the burning of the Hindenberg Zepplin way back when.

Broadway Joe, Soros, John Kerry, Gates & all the globalists that can rent or own a private jet are off to the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland.  Joe is  there with Larry Fink, head of Black Rock, one of the outfits that is now banned from being involved with State of West Virginia funds as the company is against everything that West Virginia does.  Joe claims to be “different” and represent West Virginia but a man is usually judged by the company he keeps & Klaus Schwab is no friend to folks who live here, want to be free, cook with gas and heat with wood, coal & natural gas, grow their own food, eat venison, etc.  Those elsewhere can, if they choose, eat insect protein & lab grown “meat”.

The ruling junta has resurrected WOTUS [waters of the United States] to attempt to control and require permits for every mud puddle, ditch, standing water, etc.  The recent rain in California, where the drought was no doubt broken, gave the EPA control of almost every acre there and such was the case in Creston last week.  Under the new rules one must get a permit to plant flower bulbs along the edge of the lawn.

The recent explosion on Revolution’s fractionation plant in Bulger Pennsylvania was tracked down to a faulty valve.

The Clinton Foundation is promoting united nations agendas in local schools.  It used to be called “Agenda 21” but now it is Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs] for global citizenship education and is tied into ‘common core’.

Diversified Energy announced that they had signed up on the United Nations methane scheme.  Those who blow up pipelines obviously did not.  After Diversified’s November checks for production & royalties did not come some became concerned and then after the December payments were “no shows” folks started  calling and sending e-mails.  Some were told “oh , your wells were shut in” and others were told, “yes the checks were not sent out but your inquiry is LOW priority.  Now some November & December checks have started dribbling out.  Rusty Hutson, Jr. had formerly been financed by Key Bank in Cleveland but now there is a $ 1 billion line of credit from UMB, formerly known as United Missouri Bank based in Kansas City.  The company owns over 70,000 oil & gas wells.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil rose to $78.86/bbl. with condensate fetching $62.86.bbl.  Marcellus & Utica light brought $69.86 & medium $78.86/bbl.  Henry Hub natural gas fell to $3.42/MMBTU [dekatherm].
