Grantsville City Council met for their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, October 3, 2022 with a full Council attending: Mayor Robert Petrovsky, Judy Powel, Cheryl Sturms, Dorothy McCauley, William Villers, Linda Staton and Recorder Tosh Shock.
Following the preliminary business of the meeting the Citizens Concerns were addressed. Jim Sturms of the Grantsville Lions Club addressed the Council about hosting a Veterans Day Breakfast. The Mayor and Council agreed that the city would co-host the event with the Lions Club to honor the veterans of the Community. Cheryl Sturms, Judy Powell and the Mayor will be the contacts for the city regarding the event.
Councilwoman Cheryl Sturms brought a street sign matter to the Council for residents Roger and Linda Jarvis who would like a new sign placed on their street at the corner of River and Main streets beside the old bridge location at the end of Main street. Mayor Petrovsky said that he will address getting those signs made.
While on the subject of signs, Mayor Petrovsky noted that several City signs and flags have been damaged, some having to be removed due to vandalism. He hopes with some cameras being placed around town that the culprits will be caught and stopped.
Teresa Overton of The 1982 Foundation spoke on behalf of Crystal Mersh, President, regarding a painting project that The 1982 Foundation has been discussing with several business owners for the improvement of the aesthetics of the city. With the current business growth and events Grantsville could become a wonderful day trip destination for visitors. The Calhoun Family Resource Network building on Main Street has volunteered to be the first project which will receive a fresh coat of paint, compliments of The 1982 Foundation with other businesses to follow. Miss Overton wanted to inform the City Council fo the project to request their support for the City Facelift. Mayor Petrovsky and the Council were on board for the project and agreed to help spread the word through the City call system to recruit volunteers.
Mike Plato of Pine Creek Road asked the Mayor if a Heritage Day was still being planned for the City. The Mayor said that it was and would hopefully take place in November.
In further attempts to beautify the City the Mayor announced that the city is looking to purchase different flag to go on the utility poles around town to celebrate the seasons and holidays. The Council agreed to proceed with the flag purchase.
Mayor Petrovsky received an Email from Commissioner Matt Walker who has been working on a river access project for the Little Kanawha. They have entered into an agreement for a short term lease to put a boat ramp at the City park, but the agreement was not attached to the email. This matter will continue to be followed through.
Paving may continue in Grantsville this week. The Mayor had spoken to Tim Ellison who is moving equipment into town and may start paving on Thursday. ”Joe Biden’s new America, it’s hard to find equipment and workers,” the Mayor said in response to the project slack.
Mayor Petrovsky has been working with the Dollar General Store trying to resolve a sewer issue for them in hopes of encouraging them to stay in Grantsville, understanding that they have been considering a move outside of town.
Fred Hypes of Dunn Engineering brought drawings to the City to review and will submit the same to the DEP for review. Fred updated the Council on the water project stating that one filter is ready to go back into service and they’ll begin refurbishing the second filter the third week of October. The clarifier is on schedule and he spoke with the USDA who are happy with the project. The Mayor made note that he hopes Chief Operator David Johnson get’s some time off. He and Operator Craig Gherke have worked seven days a week keeping the plant in operation 18-24 hours a day to keep water provided to City residents, Pleasant Hill PSD and Mt. Zion PSD and especially fire safety for the town.
Two draw downs made by the MORVC were approved by City Council on the water project: The first, #15, was for the USDA in the amount of $27,500 and $2,100 that will be a monthly draw down for interest on their loan. The second draw down, #16, was for Orders Construction in the amount of $366,322.86 and another for MORVC in the amount of $286.86. A Change order for the water department was also approved by City County for $3,256.63 for an emergency phone dialer for the Water Plant project.
A draw down on the sewer project funds, request #10 for improvements in the amount $1211.39 to MOVRC, and Dunn Engineering in the amount of $13292.50 was approved.
Jake Frady of the MOVRC updated City Council on the Rainbow Hotel Project stating that the town will be able to move forward on receiving bids for the project some time this month, barring any other delays with a demolition scheduled by Christmas. The Mayor said he continues to advise the State of how dangerous this building is to the citizens of Grantsville.
The City Council addressed the coming Halloween, Trick or Treat and Block Party to be held on Saturday, October 29. The Block party will be from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. with Trick or treat hours being 6-7:30 p.m. The party will be held on Main Street unless there is rain, at which point it will be at the Grantsville Fire Hall. The City as well as other volunteers and businesses will give out candy during the event. The Mayor stated ”I’m not stingy, I love giving back to the city. Let’s do our part.”