
Grantsville Town Council Meet for December Council

The Town of Grantsville held their December meeting on Monday, December 3rd, 2024 in the City office Building with Mayor Robert Petrovsky, Council Members Cheryl Sturms, Linda Staton, Rissa Staples, Emily Morgan, and Recorder Emily Collins present. One council seat remains open. 

Mayor Petrovsky, in an opening discussion stated that a hearing had been held at 10 a.m. on December 3rd, 2024 with the WVPSC on the final ruling of the rate increase. While a legal advertisement of the meeting date and time was said to be published, Eric Lupardus, who had filed the complaint was not notified of the meeting, nor Crystal Mersh who was the second complainant. According to the Mayor a final ruling should be provided by December 23rd, 2024.

Julie Posey of the Little Kanawha Area Community Foundation provided the Council a brief overview of their agency which partners with generous individuals to build permanent philanthropic resources that strengthen the region of Calhoun, Wirt, and Gilmer Counties. LKACF has awarded $1.79 Million since 2004 to support those three Counties. 

Ms. Posey stated six “neat things” she wanted the Council to know about LKACF. 

1. We build Permanent endowment funds for the community, stewards of gifts given to them for grant and scholarships with $1.3 million made available across, Calhoun, Gilmer and Wirt Counties. 

2. LKACF is constantly growing as a foundation having provided funding to the Town of Grantsville,  Grantsville City Park, Grantsville Music Conservatory and the Calhoun County Park.

3. LKACF is supported by multiple people and organizations.

4. LKACF is super resourceful their funding sources.

5. LKACF is here just for the Calhoun  community. 

6. LKACF needs everyone’s help to let people know that there is a foundation with an invitation to get involved in the advisory board or donate. 

A Staff Christmas dinner was approved for December 13, 2024 at 1 p.m. in conjunction with the Mt. Zion PSD and Pleasant Hill PSD. Mayor Petrovsky stated that it would cost less than the amount of $300 allocated for the dinner. 

A donation of $600 was approved for the Grantsville Christmas Committee to assist in decorating the town for the Christmas season.  Mayor Petrovsky told the council that the City could now afford contributions such as this because they are no longer having to supplement the water department.

The Council approved unanimously for $711 in the opioid settlement fund to be given to the Calhoun FRN who has the means to use it through their programming and resources. The City will leave their options open for future years of Opioid Settlement funding, should they have a Town Police Officer that can utilize that type of funding. Council added that receipts should be provided on how the funding was spent. 

In regards to the O&M agreement between the Town, Mt. Zion PSD and Pleasant Hill, Mayor Petrovsky informed the council that an amendment would have to be made to page 2, paragraph two of the agreement due to confusion.  Once the O&M agreement is approved and in place the Town of Grantsville will no longer sell water to the Mt. Zion and Pleasant Hill PSD’s but rather, all entities will be combined for the consumption and resale of water

In an approved motion, the open council seat made vacant by the appointment of Emily Collins to the position of Town Recorder will be advertised for two weeks in the Calhoun Chronicle in their December 11th and 18th editions. Deadline for filing a sealed letter of intent will be December 27th, 2024 at the close of business. 

Recorder Emily Collins provided a statement of invoices due to the Town Council with the following account funds reported

General Fund – $4,368.23

Water Department – $45,614. 52

Sewer Department – $10,711.43

Total of all accounts – $60,694.18

Motion approved by all council members for the payment of bills an adjournment.