Government News

Grantsville Town Council’s February Meeting

The Town of Grantsville Council met on Monday, February 6th. In addition to Mayor Petrovsky was Council members Cheryl Sturms, Linda Staton, William Villers, and Dorothy McCauley as well as Town Recorder Judy Powell. Following the Pledge of Allegiance and approval of Minutes the Mayor asked  for any Citizen Concerns. 

Michael Plato announced the Lincoln Day Dinner on February 25th with an invitation to all those in attendance. Tickets for the event with dinner and keynote speaker Mac Warner, Secretary of State and Gubernatorial Candidate is $28.00.  Final date of ticket sales is February 17th.

Emilee Morgan spoke on behalf of an area business who would like the town to consider creating a parking lot on the Rainbow Hotel property once demolition is completed. Mayor Petrovsky said that he would consider that, but there needs to be funding for the pavement provided somehow, and unless it was he would not consider a gravel lot because of the mud issue.

Councilwoman Cheryl Sturms informed the other council members and Mayor that the home beside the Post Office back parking lot had been vacated and the lawn was “a mess.”   Mayor Petrovsky said that he would speak with property owner Dick Ullum with regard to getting it taken care of. 

City staff, Eric Cain, is currently assessing the lighting in town to determine issues with areas needing attention. 

Work will likely begin this Wednesday on the demolition of the Rainbow Hotel. Empire  Construction currently has equipment in place and ready to go. 

The Town is considering an increase in the current sewer rates.  According to the Mayor the cost is not keeping up  with the inflationary effects of the economy, and being that an increase has not occurred in sometime it must be considered. A request to the WVPSC will be made for an increase as well as possibly an additional commercial rate which the city does not currently have. State guidelines will have to be met for all of that to fall into place and a special meeting set up.  

The Town is currently in the middle of a State Audit for years 2019 through 2021. Like many State and County Agencies the audits have not been done for years due to a lack of availability of approved auditing firms. The constant competition for CPA firms that are on the State list made it impossible to get the mandated audits completed. 

Fred Hypes of Dunn Engineering updated the City council on the current state of the Water Project which was slated for completion this month. According to Mr. Hypes the project will be completed this month or next dependent upon the receipt of the telemetry equipment that was delayed. The Council approved a road to the Clarifier Pit that needed to be completed beside the water plant allowing access to the tank safely. Hypes suggested that the City go ahead and clean the settlement basin now so that the cost will be covered by project money, otherwise doing it later will cost upward of $35,000.00. A motion was made by Dorothy McCauley, seconded by Linda Staton and all were in favor of Change Order 5 in the amount of $76,397.91 for the Road and cleaning out the clarifier pit by Orders Constructions. Also approved was $2070.04 to replace a valve and Isolate a pump for maintenance under Change order 7, motion by Cheryl Sturms and second by William Villers, all in favor. 

Plans continue for the replacement of all the waters lines in town.  The city will apply for funding through IJDC to cover the $5 million needed to complete the project. There are 15,000 feet of lines and pipe in the ground to replace as well as replacement of meters,  some hydrants and other small repairs and painting the Town water tank. 

Mayor Petrovsky asked why wasn’t the tank painted when it was recently drained to which Fred Hypes responded “Because it is a $250,000, 3 month project.

Draw down number 20 on the water project was approved in the amount of  $248,609.50, the bulk of which when to Orders Construction with the remainder of $4300 paid in interest to the USDA for the City’s April payment. Motion by Cheryl Sturms, second by Dorothy McCauley, all in favor. 

Jake Frady of the Mid Ohio Valley Regional Council presented the contract between the Town and Empire Construction for the demolition of the Rainbow Hotel needing certification and notarization. He also presented draw down number 11 on the Sewer project in the amount of $2,633 to MOVRC for administrative and travel costs. Motion by William Villers, seconded by Dorothy McCauley, all council in favor. 

Final order of business was the payment of bills with a motion by Dorothy McCauley  and second by William Villers, all in favor. Meeting was adjourned upon Dorothy McCauley’s motion at 6:45 p.m., second by William Villers, all in favor. 
