Community Events News

Great Interest Shown in Animal Shelter Project

The meeting to organize the Calhoun County Animal Shelter Board and Project was well attended at the Calhoun County Libary on Wednesday, November 15th.

Calhoun Commission hopeful, Eric Lupardus, attended the meeting saying that the biggest takeaway for those attending was the crucial need for volunteers for the organization to survive. The County commission was a topic of conversation and the roles that they can play in success but volunteers from the community will be the backbone of the organization.

The newly formed board is comprised of:

President, Teresa Jones Overton
Vice President, Tessa Batten
Secretary, Jane Morris Carpenter
Treasurer, Jason Cunningham
Rescue Coordinator, Patty Turner Laughlin
Fundraising Coordinator, Melissa West
Grant Writing, Jim Morgan
Member at Large, Danielle Wilson

The next meeting will be November 29, 6:00 pm at the Calhoun Library. Everyone welcome!
