After 14 days of trying to find a solution to a possible frozen or blocked line in Grantsvillle, the City’s Water Department determined an easier and better solution was to re-route a line that has prevented resident Don Harris from having water service for two weeks. The 2 inch line is deep in the hillside going up toward Minnie Hamilton Health Systems from along Route 16 making it extremely difficult to locate and repair the line.
Orders Construction Company, who are currently working on a 4.2 Million Dollar USDA project for the Town of Grantsville to revamp the Water Plant, was contracted to do the road boar being that their equipment and man power was readily available. Grantsville, as with most small water systems, has limited staff and equipment to tackle larger projects like that of a road bore. The financial strain is a great burden for small municipalities and water systems and continues to cause City Councils and PSD’s to struggle to keep their organizations viable and financially stable.
The road bore will continue today in hopes of restoring service to the Harris home.