Calhoun Youth will be honored today by a Siren lead parade, Tailgating Party and short program at the Wayne Underwood Field, starting at 1:30 p.m. The Ridgeview news event is to encourage and thank all youth who participate in school events that entertain and create a spirit of hometown pride in Calhoun County. The Parade line up will be 1st come 1st in line behind the Grantsville Fire Trucks at 1 p.m. with the last entry being the Champion B Team of Calhoun County.
We encourage everyone in the community to line the parade route which will be from the fire hall, around the town circle, ending at the Wayne Underwood Field and make some noise to let the youth know the community loves and supports them.
Back at the field The Republican Executive Committee is serving pork sandwiches, hotdogs, chips and a drink to the all families attending and then there will be a short program to thank the youth for their contributions to the community.