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House Recognizes FFA Week – Future Farmers of America

Celebrate National FFA Week
Feb. 19-26, 2022

Each year, FFA chapters around the country celebrate National FFA Week. It’s a time to share what FFA is and the impact it has on members every day.

What better way to show your support of FFA than to get involved in FFA Week? Whether it’s in person, on the phone or via social media, be sure to share your FFA stories during #FFAweek!

The House started Day 41 by recognizing FFA members from across the state, including the State FFA Officer Team. FFA students visited the Capitol today to kick off the start of National FFA Week. FFA is a national organization using agriculture education in middle and high schools to prepare students for successful leadership careers.

This week the House this adopted  House Concurrent Resolution 79 which designates February 21st as the official start day to National FFA Week in West Virginia. National FFA Week is for students, educators, alumni, and supporters to celebrate the continual growth of the organization and its role in the development of future leaders.

West Virginia has nearly 5,000 FFA members spread in 83 chapters across the 55 counties. The FFA’s SAE (Supervised Agriculture Experience) Program generates $3 million of revenue. FFA members log thousands of community service hours every year.