Health News News West Virginia

How are we affected in Calhoun County by the Supreme Court’s Overturning of Roe vs. Wade?

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Friday to overturn Roe v. Wade, eliminating the constitutional protection for abortion and allowing states to set their own laws regulating the procedure. This represents one of the most significant judicial reversals in generations. Following a conversation with a young lady on social media I discovered that after the reversal the only abortion clinic in the State of West Virginia was closed. Sixty to seventy appointments were canceled for the following three weeks for women who had abortions scheduled according to another news source.

The Pre-Roe State law bans abortions in West Virginia with criminal charges that can be faced by both the patient and the physician performing the abortion. There is a great amount of division on both sides of the issue, with likely more misunderstanding and apathy somewhere in the middle of the debate. According to most polls the greatest negative effect is on low income women and women of color, a statement used to gain attention without regard for the truth of how Planned Parenthood came to be.

Before Planned Parenthood bore that name it was actually called ”The Negro Project.” A letter from Margaret Sanger to Dr. C. J. Gamble will reveal the wicked, prejudicial behavior of it’s origin. Note her comments in the brackets:

The goal was to exterminate the Negro population. This was in her own words and not up for debate. When I discovered that truth, I had insight that I did not know before, and it for certain caused questions about the integrity of Planned Parenthood. The organization still sings the praises of this woman. The political right says that they have placed 79% of their Planned Parenthood clinics in minority neighborhoods. Of course the political left dispute it. There is always debatable statistics. But then, there is fact.

Let’s discuss the nature and procedures of the abortion clinics themselves.

A fact: In April 2022, outside of a Washington DC abortion clinic, two Pro-life women discovered a box awaiting transport by a medical waste truck. According to the women, the driver of the truck agreed to give the women the box so that the babies could receive proper burial. Inside the box was greater than one hundred first term aborted babies; but in the bottom of the box were 5 aborted infants much larger than the others, having been aborted in the 2nd or 3rd trimester. Because the infants could have been born alive, the women called law enforcement to receive the bodies. They were taken to the D.C. Medical examiners office, but have yet to be autopsied for cause of death. The women were not charged in relation to this incident. It was said that the one infant was a fully formed baby perhaps as late as 7 months into the pregnancy. That is the point that my grandson Parker was born. Breathing on his own, screaming, cuddling, doing all the things a baby does. That hits too close home.

This is one of many incidents that I have heard about or read about regarding the horrors at an abortion clinic. The pro abortion professionals will not tell you of the mental anguish of the women of abortion. Of course there are many who don’t give it a second thought but would they if they were told the truth. A textbook of the National Abortion Federation (Baker, Beresford, Halvorson-Boyd, & Garrity, 1999) has identified many “negative reactions” (p.28-29) that some women have after abortion; some are trauma symptoms: nightmares about babies, insomnia, negative emotions of guilt, anger, worthlessness, and shame, “blocking out the experience,” avoiding things that trigger memories about the abortion, “engaging in self punishing behaviors such as substance abuse . . . and relationships with abusive partners,” suicidal thoughts, “relentless thoughts of being a bad person,” and various self-destructive behaviors (pp.28-29).

That was more facts in my argument against abortion.

For the record a Google search on pro-life will get you pro abortion statistics and little information in the other direction. As a News source I want nothing more than the truth, even the truth I do not like. Without it I cannot make an informed decision, nor will I know who I can trust. That’s why I’m in this business -— – I want my family and my community to know the truth of all things Calhoun, West Virginia and America.

Even if we are not faced with an abortion clinic in our community, the devastation and the affects of abortion are here. There are girls and women in our community who have traveled that path. I do not wish to cause them more sorrow with regards to their decision. But if I can prevent a young lady from suffering at the hands of people who do not have her best interest at heart, then I count this article a success.

I always want to be upfront with my Christian conservative belief. This is what drives me for the truth. We can disagree on faith. But I don’t believe there are too many people who will say, ”I don’t mind being lied to.”

I mind. I’ll bet you do too.

I personally believe that upon conception that baby is a life with purpose. If you choose not to believe that, it is your right in the Country we are blessed to live in.

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