
How to fix America:  Abolish the departments, fire the employees & sell the buildings

Rev. Kevin Gillespie filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church.

Debbie Griffin spent the weekend “vacationing” at a Charleston hospital, not really something that was on her “bucket list”.  Barbara Wright is on the mend, somewhat from double pneumonia and is to consult with her physician.  Nancy Engelke is to consult with a specialist this week.

The Wirt road crew filled the potholes in the Creston bridge.  The crew is also using a gradall to pull the ditch on W. Va. 5.  In many places on many roads the ditches are now deep so that if one ends up in the ditch, one will have to be extricated.

Louis Martin was attending to business in Creston concerning Greylock’s local facilities.

A contractor was in Creston drilling holes in preparation for the new bridge to cross the Little Kanawha River.

Local folks continue to be concerned about security breaches that allow enemy balloons & “objects” to fly over America.  In Nebraska there is a monument noting that during World War II the Japanese sent at least 285 hydrogen balloons with bombs compete with timing devices to impact damage on America.  On November 3, 1944 they were launched to 30,000 feet to float across the Pacific Ocean.  Only six people died and there were only minor fires.  It would seem that Hunter’s sugar daddy buddies have much more sophisticated equipment.  A military that has been trained on the proper use of pronouns and equity may have problems dealing with folks who are serious and such is obvious as the objects were able to evade detection in most instances.  While some are obviously “on the take” our enemies are clearly at war.

The Dept. of Public Safety was called for assistance last weekend when “the lizard people” started coming up through the floor from the cellar or maybe the crawl space to eat the people.  It was noted later that the incident might have had to do with “bath salts”.  A neighbor noted that he, in relation to baths, was big on Irish Spring.

Those who follow politics have noted that the federal government has become hostile against religion, attacking [verbally] Israel and spending money here & abroad to fight Christians. A recent FBI whistle blower provided a government plan to consider “Radical Traditionalist Catholics” as domestic terrorists and Christian nationalists.  One might remember that Supreme Court Justice Amy C. Barrett was trashed because of her evangelical Catholic belief & practice. “How dare she!” they said.

When folks took offence when little boy Trumka said he would ban gas stoves the ruling elite said we were all “over reacting” and said such was not in the works and then the “energy” department said they were writing new rules that would require impossible standards for stoves and yes it was to plan to eliminate natural gas for cooking & heating.  Now congress has to deal with the “debt ceiling”.  Such will require cuts in government programs.  An easy fix is to eliminate the agencies & departments that tell us what we are allowed to do.  Abolish the departments, fire the employees & sell the buildings.

An example along those lines is the Freeport [Texas] LNG [liquified natural gas] facility that had a bad “accident” in June.  Now repairs have been completed and the company has to get permission from FERC [Federal Energy Regulatory Commission] to again fill tankers with liquified natural gas.  The TransCanada pipeline between Creston & Burning Springs ships natural gas to the Gulf of Mexico for export.

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe in one of his biggest exposés got Pfizer’s head of research to admit to doing gain of function on the virus and “in essence” controlling all the federal health agencies that are “to protect us”.  Now, apparently at the request of Pfizer, Dominion [voting machine company] and an operative of a well known governor, he has been placed on “paid leave”.

The globalist Club for Growth is going to invite Gov. DeSantis to be the keynote speaker at their upcoming retreat and fundraiser.  He will join candidates Haley, Pompeo, Pence, Youngkin & Scott.  This outfit wants noting to do with America being first as the quick bucks [for them] come from elsewhere.  They will not have to eat insects.

CNX, part of the Rockefeller family Standard Oil Trust, announced that the  company reserves in the Marcellus & Utica are said to be11.7 tcfe [trillion cubic feet equivalents] which means natural gas, natural gas liquids & crude oil.  Range Resources, the firm that drilled the first successful Marcellus well in 2004 reported that their reserves were 18.1 tcfe.

New England had a cold snap earlier this month and the old oil & coal electric plants had to be used as Fauxcohantas will not allow clean natural gas to be piped there.  Along those lines it was learned that the Willow Island power plant currently is scheduled to be shut down in the spring.  Perhaps it will be replaced by a facility run on pixie dust.  It was noted that 98% of “retired” electric facilities in 2023 will be natural gas and coal fired power plants.

J. P. Marks was calling at the Creston Space Dock.

A local resident was late for her medical appointment because the marauding morons from Michigan were chopping on trees along W. Va. 14 doing “core maintenance” to make sure the sun will hit the pavement.  Down along I-77 heavy equipment is being used to eliminate small trees along the roadway and on I-79 some of the red buds are being cut down in the area where folks make special spring drives to see the spectacular display when in full bloom.  Now if the story was about “core maintenance” instead of spending money [and perhaps getting rewards], one would fix the imperfections in the surface of I-77 from Charleston to Parkersburg.  The Calhoun road supervisor said he only had 6 men so that if there would be a big snow storm there would be only 3 trucks or road scrapers out at a time to keep Calhoun roads clear & open.  It was also noted that the road from W. Va. 16 down to White Pine, and especially on the Kight hill there are at least 12 dead and leaning trees that need addressed.  Now doubt the elites down at the Mouth of the Elk would say that “only riff raff live down there — after all they are Hooners” and “smart” people all live elsewhere.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude rose to $78.72/bbl. while condensate was $62.72/bbl. and Marcellus & Utica light brought $69.72 & medium $78.72/bbl.  One of valuable parts of local crude is the lubricant component and with motor oil at $10/quart that would make motor oil $1,680/bbl.  Henry Hub [Louisiana] natural gas rose to $2.51/MMBTU.
